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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Cracking series so far. It was obviously not Ted who was shot but was still a nervous two minutes to find out who it was. If Ted turns out to be the big bad then I'm almost certain we'll find out before Kate and Steve do and not at the same time.
  2. It's funny that we've apparently kicked them off the park when Cosgrove was repeatedly floored off the ball.
  3. Must be thinking of another game then but it was around that time.
  4. No disrespect intended to anyone but I can't see a lack of away supporters being too much of an issue at the new stadium. Arse cheeks aside, it's not often we see a large away support as it is. Definitely a ball ache for fans who arrive by train though, as previously mentioned.
  5. You not enjoying the desperate moving of goal posts by fans of other teams with an unhealthy obsession with how far out of the city centre Aberdeen build a stadium?
  6. Wow, clever come back. Just waiting for you to call me a sheep shagger to complete sad c**t bingo.
  7. Well the fact he never went forward with the ball pretty much confirms his intention was not to go forward? Crossed to who? It's the last 30 seconds and the furthest forward players are one striker (Naismith if I remember) and Darren Fletcher. Point I'm making is that by the end of his Scotland career he'd fallen in to the defeated mindset that most of our management and players end up with. I thought he was a real asset before he got to that stage.
  8. Fair enough post. The plan is to have the first set buses operating 2.5 hours prior to the match with fan zones, bar, cafe, museum facilities there. If they're smart, they'd have the youth games played pre match at the training facilities so folk could watch that too if they desired.
  9. There's already stagecoach services which go near that area. Are you honestly convinced there will not be a public bus service going near a landmark in the area?
  10. You've brought conjecture. Exactly the same as everyone posting here, myself included. Pittodries location can't cope with the matchday traffic due to the surrounding roads. The new stadium is built literally right next to the new bypass. There will be park and ride services so the level of traffic will not be going near the stadium. https://www.kingsfordstadium.co.uk/new-stadium-public-transport-bus-strategy/
  11. The club shop and community facilities are going to be on-site. There will absolutely be public transport. No rail line to build near, unfortunately.
  12. Hibs look to be on the up after the initial start. Doesn't look like Gauld has been getting too much time under the new manager, even when fit?
  13. Don't think that's up for debate at all. Similar for home fans who arrive by train.
  14. So people should wait with their concerns until it's too late? Pretty much sums up the North East attitude to most things. My comment was in regards to his "there's virtually no public transport" comment. Shouldn't be hard to comprehend, I even highlighted the point with bold text In regards to folks 'concerns', I've seen about three Aberdeen fans making concerned comments. Every other one posting seems to be for the stadium and then all the other concerned dissenters are fans of opposing teams.
  15. Yet you are happy to decide that folk that walk won't bus/drive etc. As I said, round in circles. We're never going to agree so it's pointless.
  16. He isn't that great a player to be fair. Should have stayed at Hibs.
  17. I didn't state there was a demographic change to explain the increase. You're simply picking parts of a post and choosing to use these out of context. The same as your pal earlier who decided I though Kingsford was a 30 minute walk from Union Street because he misread a post. We'll have to agree to disagree and leave it there. I'm an Aberdeen fan who (from memory) has lived whilst there has been attempts to move from Pittodrie 3 times. The first two did not make sense to me. This one does. I can't really be bothered to go round and round in circles with a fan of an opposing team who understands nothing other than the fact Pittodrie is a fairly easy jaunt from the train station if you fancy making the journey up the road.
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