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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Pittodrie is about a 20 minute walk from Union Street. Half an hour from the station. Pretty sure the new stadium is further away than that. Pointless post. It may be an ideal location for folk who bus to Union street beforehand or live within walking distance but it's a nightmare for anyone traveling by car.
  2. I think you'll find most folk who drank pints then decided to go to Pittodrie on a whim decided to stop doing this when rules came in to force that now means you have to go to the ticket office and can no longer PATG. I'm not discussing match day habits. I'm discussing the choice of going to a game as a habit. The average attendance is up around 6K yes, but season ticket sales have not raised too significantly. You could also take in to account that a portion of that 6K will have been fans who couldn't have attended for whatever reason before (age etc). It's pure guesswork on both sides. I'm looking at the facts that the club will be doing all they can to make transport a non factor/small a factor as possible. If someone decides they'd rather not go to the football because they now have a 15 minute bus journey (rather than 10-15 minute walk to Pittodrie) to encounter after their pints then I'd guess they aren't too fussed about going at all.
  3. The left back is stood on the half way line and has no intentions of going forward.
  4. Yeah, that rumour has been going around for a few days on afc chat. Good move for the lad if he gets it.
  5. No. People are creatures of habit. What I'm suggesting is that folk who really want to go will go whether they are within walking distance or not. Well if we didn't sign Eoin Jess I'd dread to think where we would have ended up.
  6. Fair enough we spent money on a heap of shite but what would we have been using to buy players etc if all the funds were going in to stand renovation?
  7. There isn't 4500 who walk to Pittodrie. I'm happy for you to go with the percentage you pulled from the survey for the sake of an argument but that survey was available to all Dons fans, not just season ticket holders or folk who have purchased tickets through the club. I don't expect 4500 to walk to Kingsford. I expect loads to take advantage of the onsite parking, shuttle buses and park and ride facilities though. Using an inflation calculator, in todays money that's £30mish. The training facilities will cost £10m. So there's a ten million pound difference. No idea what state the location was in Middlesbrough before the stadium was built but there is significant to be down on site at the moment.
  8. I think it's just the club maximising profits. They can only put an Aberdeen badge of bog standard Adidas gear otherwise and likely didn't order in more stock due to seasons end. There's been a big sale on all Adidas stuff in the club shop though so you may be on to something.
  9. How many of 1km and 2km folk live in student halls, are junkie minkers or Polish immigrants?
  10. Soulless? You've been to Pittodrie yes? Near the North Sea in winter is as about as cold as it gets...
  11. I can tell you right now we'll have an average of nowhere near 18,000 in the first season. We'll also not average below 10,000 whilst we are at the top end of the league and competing for the cups.
  12. Apples and oranges though. We're getting an extra 5,000ish in compared to a decade ago. If we can keep ourselves up around the top of the league with constant semi finals and finals then I can't see that dropping because we've moved a few miles away from the city.
  13. It will be up to the club to capitalise on whatever spike we gain from it.
  14. I'd wager Aberdeen have a much larger fanbase than St Johnstone.
  15. I'm under no illusions that there will be initial teething problems. It's not going to be a nghitmare or disastrous as some folk have claimed.
  16. It's not up to the home team to have a transport structure in place for away fans though. It's going to be easier for away fans who travel by car and bus to get to the new ground in any case. Wow. We were talking about Pittodrie. Pittodrie from the City centre is a half hour walk, as your post stated. You were responding to my post which stated: I think it speaks volumes that the majority of folk upvoting posts stating the location of the stadium should be in the City Centre are from fans of other clubs with no real grasp of the current location etc. If you're to look at a map of Aberdeen, it's hardly in an ideal location as it is. You've jumped in two footed and made a c**t of it though.
  17. I'm stupid yet you keep deciding that everyone will travel to Kingsford from the city centre?
  18. He wasn't as bad as the majority made out and had some very good performances for Scotland. He was damaged goods by the end of his career though and would take the easy option every time. The Poland game where we drew away from home was a hard one to forget. He got the ball about 25 yards from goal in the final minute, in heaps of space and instead of taking the shot he fired a pass to our left back, obviously content with a draw.
  19. At least he has a bit of a sense of humour about it. Some of the other arse cheek fans are a touch sensitive.
  20. I couldn't really care about the design as long as there is 4 filled in corners that stop the fucking wind getting in. The Livi game a few weeks ago was atrocious and fucking freezing. I thought you were a young whippersnapper min!
  21. If you're willing to make that walk rather than drive or get the bus then it pretty much highlights the state of the traffic in the City Centre on matchday at Pittodrie. Either that or you are a maniac. I used to walk from Murdos and that was bad enough.
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