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Karpaty Lviv

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  1. Ukraine were equally as bad on Monday. Which is good news for Scotland, considering Belgium lost yesterday as well. Not having the chance to travel in Europe if you support Doncaster probably. On the subject of stating which team you support, when someone dies, it’s mandatory it seems to say who you support. Why it’s relevant when a tragic death like the Millwall goalkeeper is any more respectful during a condolence if you mention who you support is beyond me.
  2. £19 for this level of football is ridiculous. The promise of money men and promotion, the same shite we’ve been told for years; or not.
  3. Every team in the planet need a 20+ striker. I’d we get one, we would be a decent shout for promotion
  4. Everyone fucking desperate for us to go down. Get it fucking round ye. Hope those Stranraer tramps and their 7 irons go down, fucking terrible club
  5. I worked in childcare and when we took the children on trips via the train, it was always funny to see the reaction of the carriage when we all piled on. You could see all the mobile phones coming out and seeing Messenger and WhatsApp chats appearing to voice their disdain. Explaining that the council provided free passes for such trips during the summer holiday period, thus saving anywhere up to £600 on a private coach, seemed a bit futile for them to understand. Especially as they could get a private taxi to wherever they are going, but the saving money part only applies to them.
  6. Brilliant. Get it right up that wee tit celebrating in front of us at stair park, and of course the shite tiger woods wannabes. Mon the Clyde
  7. McCall will see to that, plus whatever the authorities have in store. Whilst I don’t condone it, I understand. Literally split second reaction.
  8. He shouldn’t have done it back and will get the book thrown at him but would I f**k not retaliate to that. Fucking manky b*****d. To say don’t retaliate because you’re a part time footballer is lunacy.
  9. Even if we stay up - what’s left? No ground, no fans, no money, no assets, everyone hates us - both commercially and club wise - how the f**k do we survive?
  10. It’s difficult to feel a certain way going into a play off like that one we probably will. It’s a feeling that I never wished to feel, but probably will. Even though there’s enough games and points to turn it around, the feeling we will end up in this fixture is too strong. Really sad, 25 years ago I started to support Clyde for being my local team. Now 31, it would feel really fucking shit to lose my team if we lose this game, if we end up here.
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