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Everything posted by SirJimmyofNic

  1. So that is implying we were also complicit in the victim not getting any of her award.............feck me it gets worse by the minute
  2. Maybe so, but she was and tbh we aint the only club that has/had high profile supporters affiliated to it,
  3. I hope they are paying for this themselves and its not coming from any supporters fund or contributor
  4. as I said if that is true which I've no reason to doubt given the silence at the club, just who the hell do they think they are
  5. My android wont let me copy n paste what was said, I'll try it on the main computer
  6. Just read something on the other site that quite frankly leaves me very concerned if true
  7. Thats if anyone at the club has the balls to stand up and be interviewed of course
  8. I wonder what the gif would be if we did a Third Lanark or Clydebank
  9. What irks me most about this season so far is the amount of money wasted on, not just this catastophic signing, but also the signing of Keatings a player known to have spent more time on the treatment table than on the pitch for ICT, for the first time in decades we've had two games in one season against one of the biggest clubs in the country which could have realised around £500k added to the transfer fee's for Bowie and Tait, less what we have paid to sign Ross etc , even if we spent half of that amount the balance would surely have made a considerable dent in our debt, but no we piss it up against the wall in some vain attempt to get to the gravy train in just our second season out of the seaside, with a team that cant keep the back door shut. The clubs Management and its Directors are Custodians of RRFC, that have a duty to see that its run in a fit and proper manner for the benefit of the community it has represented now for 139 years (WILL IT MAKE IT TO 140), even if DG had no baggage was spending £60k and £1200 a week in wages prudent for a 33year old who may or may not have scored a load of goals. I personaly do not think so, I hold everyone from Management ,CEO, and the 4 Directors culpable
  10. So brave of her to tell her side of the story after the judgement, How much money is she still owed and will she now get paid in full even if it is indirectly from us
  11. Are you one if the little scrotes with the banner today, you odious fucking toad
  12. So you think 5 points from 24 is good management on top if this current fiasco is defendable thats up to your opinion, certainly isnt mine, and anyway that was then in a different league that only saw us up by good furtune , hell whos to say that if that league had run its course we'd not still be in it
  13. He should be gone anyway on the back of these results alone
  14. Imagine winning this under the circumstances and drawing the other erse cheek in the next round........ oh feck I'm away for a lay doon
  15. His Jacket would surely be on a slack nail anyway with this run of results continuing
  16. The media reports, and if Bill Clark has confirmed that then he and the fans Director must have been left out if the loop, it was dead in the water in December by all account , unfortunately we'll never find out just when the deal was done
  17. I was not refering to Marge or Bill Clark when I said "they". Read my post again
  18. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if this was a done deal in December, if Clyde didn't want to sell him why are they saying Clyde got in touch with whoever at the club at the weekend of the QoS game, something stinks
  19. For the love o feck, can we no get a break, I dont mean literally
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