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Everything posted by SirJimmyofNic

  1. All he said was McGlynn didn't want an unhappy player on his hands , quite rightly so and that was confirming what McGlynn said in his interview , if Tait and his family wanted the move to happen, I dont see what else the baldy one could have done about it Fair do's to John Sim for coming out with the statement, just a pity he had to
  2. Brilliant news, we start singing the Vindaloo song.......................... that would be instant Korma Sorry .............I'll get ma coat
  3. 2 or 3 goals up by half time should surely see these guys get their chance, ............................. maybe
  4. If the Board/Sim and CEO are not already aware of supporters and financial contributors displeasure at the lack of communication etc, its high time the fans rep or the supporters club conveyed the grass roots message to them
  5. I hope she get well grilled and its not all about her role as CEO
  6. Mind you we'd be due a tiny % of anything they might get, unfortunately so would the dark side
  7. Aberdeen due a six figure compensation fee to anyone who signs him, thats the problem for the lad
  8. Only its no up to the manager , in part today he was flung under a bus by the Ceo / Sim
  9. Like it or not, until we are an established Championship club, we will always be bringing young talent through and selling them on, we dont have a large enough fan base at this time to keep the club financialy sound without doing that Its not ideal but thats they way the cookie crumbles as they say
  10. Look at it another way we brought Nisbet on, an to a certain extent brought Hendry on and got hee haw for them
  11. excellent pre match interview with McGlynn, good insight into whats being done behind the scene with forward planning etc, and perhaps a slip of the tongue with the £260k for Bowie and Tait
  12. Has anybody stopped to think that maybe the transfer kitty is empty, and with another season ending injury to Vaughan and the likelyhood of a few players being shunted in January that this £100k or whatever it is would go a long way to signing players or loanees in that Janyary window to consolidate our place in the championship Who knows what the club finances are like either, time will tell of course , I hope that Tait and Bowie go on to have a successful careers in the game and go on to make us a bit more cash Meanwhile back at the ranch its over to John and Smudger to work their magic bringing more talent through
  13. I take it we're getting another loan in from you then Gullan please
  14. I wish we'd got the lad that went to the Broath, I think he woulda done very well here
  15. You can call him back in January, so I'd hazzard a guess we can cancel it too
  16. I'm not overly fussed aboot the Premiership tbh, although the ride along the way was something I'll never forget it, but it nearly cost us the club , a top 4 or 5 finish for a few seasons would be ideal
  17. Whats next to make this week any worse, turfed oot the diddy cup by Forfar
  18. Well John can you tell us if Keatings is ready to fill the void left by Vaughan and if not why not, and if not why was no-one signed during the window as cover Bet he wont ask that
  19. A defeat here would just complete the shittiest week ever
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