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Jeremiah Cole

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Everything posted by Jeremiah Cole

  1. On the contrary, I am still able to think for myself and try to get the facts out there. The more that the truth gets out there, the more people will begin to hold the politicians to account. You may be happy living in a fascist police state but I am most certainly not.
  2. A hospital doctor in the Spanish city of Malaga writes on Twitter that people are currently more likely to die from panic and systemic collapse than from the virus. The hospital is being overrun by people with colds, flu and possibly Covid19 and doctors have lost control.
  3. Various media reported that more than 40 doctors in Italy have already died „during the corona crisis“. However, a glance at the corresponding list shows that most of the deceased doctors are long retired doctors of all kinds, including 90-year-old psychiatrists and pediatricians, most of whom likely died of natural causes.
  4. It’s a minimal risk. Government are trying to cut down 75% of personal contact, not 100%. and in any case, factors that coronavirus is nothing more than a slightly above average flu season. there shouldn’t be any lockdown!
  5. What if a guy in student accommodation goes back to live with his parents and infects them with the virus when he otherwise wouldn’t have had there been no lockdown? And they in turn infect his grandparents when taking round their shopping?
  6. Where are all the stories about the mayhem in UK hospitals, line there were in Italy? Guy I know told me that his 2 neighbours work in intensive care at the hospital in Paisley. They were off at the weekend. Apparently they’ve only got 1 guy in intensive care in paisley with coronavirus. He’s 86, just had a hip replacement and was already in intensive care.
  7. you’re the biggest cunt of all you pathetic loser!
  8. Why would Sweden be two weeks behind us? If you are happy being a sheeple and living in a fascist police state with no evidence for the need for it then that’s up to you I prefer to think for myself
  9. 33,887 people have died and tested positive for coronavirus. Leaving aside those who would have died anyway, the death toll stands at 11,295 Meanwhile around 350,000 people have died with the flu with around 150,000 of those deaths directly caused by the flu according to the WHO 5 coronavirus deaths in Sweden today where there is no lockdown
  10. How many new infections will it decrease by? Why aren’t the rate of infections in Sweden, where there is no lockdown, ramping up way ahead of Denmark?
  11. We’ve been pretty steady at around two thirds of where Italy was 2 weeks ago for about a week now Following the same trend will see excess deaths due to coronavirus reach approaching 40% of the excess deaths caused by the flu in 14/15 and 99/00. Yeh, coronavirus is nothing like the flu It’s less deadly and it’s not killing children
  12. Is it? can you provide some evidence to back this up? have Sweden left it a bit too late?
  13. Their bars and restaurants are still open and they are freely able to go outside and enjoy the sunshine without arsehole vigilantes driving about taking videos of them to post online
  14. What is the rate of transmission of CV between individuals walking past each other outside?
  15. Deaths per million of population in Sweden, where there is no lockdown, bars and restaurants still open, sits at just under 11 Its 18 in the UK
  16. UK at two thirds of where Italy was 2 weeks ago based on deaths It’s been roughly around that level for a week now. Assuming we follow the same path, we’re likely to see around 500-600 deaths a day declared the week after next. According to Neil Ferguson, two thirds would have died anyway. So we’re talking about 180 excess deaths a day due to coronavirus This compares with around 500 excess deaths a day due to the flu in 14/15 and 99/00
  17. This isn’t a court of law. I don’t need to trawl through posts on black & white army. you know what you posted and I know what you posted it highlighted exactly the type of odious character that you are mr hard man now away and crawl back under your rock
  18. Why would I try and get something that I’ve cut and pasted published?
  19. Considering your jokes about the ‘Chinese’ and your posts about Syrians on black and white army, that’s a tad ironic. Now away and crawl back under your stone you odious individual.
  20. Dr Harries confirms that the fascist police state will remain for at least 6 months, destroying the economy.
  21. You don’t understand why people engage with you?
  22. How many healthy people will need intensive care if they get CV?
  23. Maybe you should stop hanging about chip shops then and get yourself a proper job!
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