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Everything posted by TamClyde

  1. Good point, but remanicing of the time when Falkirk where our bitch boys.
  2. Don't worry guys we'll have a really really silly f**k up at the back that yous will score from.
  3. Looking forward to missing this one today!
  4. No I'm basing it off of how rotten we have been and when we concede 1 we just crumble.
  5. I wish I was saying this as a joke btw. I'm not.
  6. Duffy won't get the sack. Board are 1) too scared and 2) too skint to do so. Brought In till end of season and unfortunately I think he will be staying until then. If he does go who comes in? Yeah you can say young and up-and-coming managers but who wants to come to Clyde right now. It is not an attractive job to anyone at the moment.
  7. It's alright mate everything is fine. We will wait 3 days and then try and sell our fans a retro shirt to fleece them even more whilst ignoring the fact the club is in a spiral dive to the grave.
  8. Couldn't tell you the last game I was at. Why give the board £17 to watch that fish. 17 quid in this climate is ridiculous as is.
  9. What amazes me still is that somehow, Peterhead are still worse than us. I really can't comprehend that there is a team that is and has been worse than us all season.
  10. Fair fucks to anyone who continues to go watch this week in week out.
  11. Managed to watch the Scullion OG earlier. what is the boy doing? Literally shoots it into our goal. Boys an absolutely abysmal player and should have the contract cancelled - not the first time he's made a very costly mistake.
  12. Players dreadful, manager dreadful, boardroom dreadful and majority of fans past caring about it anymore. Take me back to opening day of the season QOTS away - we were onto of the world and f**k me how stupid were we in thinking we had a chance this season. f**k sake Clyde.
  13. Normal service resumed and I'm not even arsed.Can't wait Elgin away next season.
  14. Fair play for making the journey up a ground I'm yet to tick off but in fairness, you knew what you were in for!!
  15. If you're happy with the current situation then please, continue to attend the games. Why should fans have to pay over-the-top prices to watch the dire so called football team the board have assembled. The suits do not listen to fans voices, they don't care about "owners" voices either - having been one the past 3 years, I chose not to renew this year as it was pretty pointless. The only language the board seem to be able to understand is money talk. When they see gate numbers come down drastically, they may finally sound the alarm bells. So far, the board seem pretty calm about our current situation and all but relegated club. Infact they seem more worried about selling of hospitality tickets for home games than adressing the fans directly. Gate numbers have been steady between 500-600 this season so the board think all is fine - when its not. Feel free to keep paying your hard earned cash but nothing will change as it stands. See St Johnstone tonight, fans boycotting because of an incompetent board, prompts board reaction, why can't we do the same? Hope this explains it for you mate.
  16. I haven’t been to a game since the Edinburgh defeat at the start of December, and I have absolutely no intention of going back this season. We are absolutely shocking from top to bottom. It’s time for the fans to to take a stand and for the remaining sufferers that continue to go to the games to boycott them. The board only see pound signs, they don’t see fans who have been following their team for years. take a stand and boycott the games, show the board how fed up we are and force change. We will be bottom of the league by 5pm on Saturday. forever and ever.
  17. CBA we just just start forfeiting matches 3-0 and save the hassle.
  18. I don't even care anymore. And haven't for a long time. That fish is not worth £16 every week.
  19. Scullion again! That boy has given away too many penalties this season. When will he learn.
  20. f**k off. The amount of penalties we fucking gift teams is absolutely unacceptable. I'd be happy with a point as it stands but sadly this still feels like dropped points.
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