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Ingo ohne Flamingo

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Everything posted by Ingo ohne Flamingo

  1. This is amazing, these excuses keep getting better Not the first time a sitting Clyde manager has said no to our Hipster friends. Kernaghan in 2004 also said no to the Fruit Salads...
  2. I wonder what the opinion of the SFA or the Spfl would be that a club official met with a contracted manager of another club... Either way, we all know the real story, you lot are in denial, the vegan tears are delightful and it's probably likely that big Jobby will knock you back as well
  3. That article tells us nothing. Simple facts are, yesterday afternoon you approached Clyde and were told no, then later that afternoon you approached McCall. Just put your heads in the sands and all this will blow over, you didn't get your main target, deal with it.
  4. Why did you approach Lennon first? Then approach McCall after Clyde said no? You lot really are not taking this well, I'm concerned...
  5. You know, the biggest irony of this is the fact that someone we call Jobby McCall was your Number 2 choice
  6. We had a slow start to the season, gifted teams a 3 goal start each game! Still managed to score twice against you with a experimental line up and formation. Safe to say we'd take care of you now! Lastly, soulless? It can be but not of late, we've had plenty to sing about of late, not sure the same can be said about you boys. Go enjoy your vegan lunch and see if McCall decides to join your lot this afternoon, to think the opportunity of joining such a big club requires 24h of thinking eh?
  7. The seethe from you vegan fruit salads is just beautiful, keep up the rage! Danny loves the Clyde
  8. f**k it, here's another picture of your first choice of manager before getting told naw and then the legend himself signing a further contract with us. Beautiful, just beautiful
  9. Here's a nice picture of Mr Danny Lennon, I think you lot might know of him? Cracking Manager, cracking guy, and a good Clyde man
  10. Absolutely ridiculous Caldwell getting his marching orders, in my opinion he was doing a cracking job.
  11. We were the same, our baby lost more than 10% of her birthweight and the midwife made a call to the hospital to see if she should go back in. Like yours, they suggested combo feeding for a few days but that led to constipation and the wee one not in a great mood but after a few days the breastfeeding got better and we ditched the formula again. A month in however my wife was in agony, not much sleep and painful nipples which obviously got worse when wee baby was feeding but it seemed to happen overnight that the pain went away and feeding became very easy. Just as I was telling her not to feel bad about giving up and going to bottle she pushed herself and got past the pain. A downside we found to breast feeding was the wee one would only go to sleep at night with my wife taking her to bed and also she refused to take a bottle even with expressed stuff! Tried so many bottles and it never worked. Shy of her 1st birthday she had a wee cold and couldn't latch onto my wife anymore, then it was the right time we felt to stop the feeding and now she'll just drink water from a sippy cup. She now goes to bed with me taking her and she's no longer heavily clingy to mummy now. Definitely pros and cons to breastfeeding but the pros definitely out weight the many cons. Kudos to the girls who do it, I know I couldn't...
  12. Got to say, never tell your wife that looking after a baby all day is easy! Wife went off to Rome this morning with her auld man for a couple of days (they're Italian) leaving me with our 14 month old daughter and my god it's knackering haha! Took her to her first Clyde game today which she enjoyed and so did I and her big brother . But now, honestly one of my favourite bits about being a Dad. Taking the wee baby to bed at night, got her snuggled into me and whilst I should be just putting her in her cot, it's an amazing feeling having her laying all feeling secured on me . Kids are hard work at the best of times but you never realise how much you can love something as much as you do with your kids
  13. Funnily enough. I was going to go to the Eintracht v Gladbach game a few years ago when flights were only 20 return then my mate out there suggested I avoided it as the Eintracht fans are fucking mental. This surprised me as I was at the home game v Eintracht at Borussia Park that season and never thought much of their away support compared to others I have witnessed at Borussia Park. Only seen fights between Borussia and Hoffenheim fans!
  14. Was this at Broadwood? We had 2 constantly flying about us in the home stand. It's obviously that time of year! Even in Mönchengladbach yesterday when I was having lunch one of the wee b*****ds kept flying around me. Poor choice to have ordered a Fanta probably!
  15. No doubt after 10 games and not many points you'll get a ticket no bother! Looking forward to the game in a few weeks time where Borussia will show Köln who the big boys are. Easy 3 points
  16. No sure about the Falkirk fans, but I'm still buzzing from that game at the weekend!
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