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Ingo ohne Flamingo

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Everything posted by Ingo ohne Flamingo

  1. For those who have their kids at nursery or registered day care / child minders, you might not know about this. Click onto this link and see if you're eligible for tax free childcare. https://www.gov.uk/get-tax-free-childcare Basically for every £8 you pay in, the government will add £2. My wee lassies nursery fees at Falkirk Council is around 500 a month, we pay 400 into this account, government tops it up, then the next day I go back in and send the payment to the nursery and as its all set up, you chose the nursery from the list and that's that. Pretty simple and saves a small fortune. As long as either parent don't earn more than 100k a year then you'll qualify (unless you're on certain benefits or credits).
  2. Got to admit, I've chucked my SNP membership. The party has went too far to the left since IndyRef and the recent pandering to the anti-business Greens is doing my head in. This parking tax is the latest joke to test my vote. In saying that, I'm desperate for independence so they'll get my vote in the meantime but they are testing that vote big time! Looking forward to the demise of Labour and the Tories in Scotland. My prediction is Labour to finish in 4th place in Scotland behind Tories and Lib Dems in that order.
  3. Sound like a horrible set of circumstances for you Keith, I'm only really seeing this whole story and whilst I don't know you personally, I have so much respect for you. I'm always hearing stories from my wife who works with Children and I am honestly stunned at what I hear, some kids have got no hope whereas there is children with loving grandparents and other family members who step up and give those kids a chance of a good upbringing and most importantly, love. All the best with everything that comes your way, I hope your daughter gets the help she needs and that your Grandchildren strive with the love and care that you're providing them. People like you are the true unsung heroes.
  4. Oh that's a bit when that kicks in. Hopefully she'll be sorted now, and only come through on occasion (as it's really quite cute as long as it's not constant). She's only 16 months old so still in her cot but I'm a deep sleeper so don't wake up when she's whinging down the monitor so the misses will always get up and bring her through. No idea where 16 months get their energy from, especially now she's not just walking but running
  5. My son is 12 and you need to pull him out of bed, he can sleep for Scotland! My wee lassie though, not the best sleeper in the world but this is 3 nights in a row she has slept in her own room without getting up during the night and ending up in our bed. That usually resulted in my head getting kicked when she woke up
  6. Anyone else enjoying the lack of adaption to the clocks going back? Getting woke up at 5:30 to then having to go downstairs and be subjected to BabyTV is not my idea of fun, especially on a day off
  7. Our defence is pretty ropey at the best of times, 2 goals and cruising on Sunday to then lose a goal and suddenly Eintracht are all over us. But fair play to the team, they got the goals to make the game comfortable in the end. Zakaria is a fine player, another lad we plucked from the Swiss league and has came on a lot! Some clever recruitment over the summer, losing the inconsistent Thorgan Hazard was quickly forgotten with the replacement #10 Marcus Thuram who looks to be a fantastic young player. A bit short in the defence with Ginter out injured again, Max Eberl really needs to sort that out but i wonder if he will make it 3 Christmas transfer Windows in a row with no signings. Will be in Mönchengladbach on the 1st of December for the game v Freiburg which will be interesting seeing as they're the surprise package this season. Also will make the game in MG late January against Mainz but waiting for that to be confirmed. Usually that's my sons Christmas present, a trip right after Christmas.
  8. It was a tough paper round. Those Free Glaswegian Newspapers plus their leaflets weight an absolute tonne, as do I these days. No stroke though, yet.
  9. You should never try & force a Sunday meltdown on here, they are a thing of beauty when they develop naturally. That said, the odd tag does help. Haha! I'm not getting involved in that carry on
  10. Well thank you but I'm not hanging about, will just stick to the League 1 forum thanks As for middle aged? I'm 33
  11. Last few pages are interesting alright. Always thought historically that Marsh was a decent poster but he's obviously lost it. A grown man sitting on his phone red dotting people he doesn't like, quite sad really
  12. Fair play to the Falkirk fans on here, the majority admitting we were the better team and deserved the win, quite refreshing to see. Sure I've said it before but I've got a soft spot for Falkirk. My sons 2nd team is Falkirk and has a Falkirk scare in his room and also has last years away top but he's been told this season he's not allowed to wear it . Simple stuff, Falkirk should not be in this league, if anything they should be in the top league! For whatever reason it's happened, they're here now. My son is a diehard Clyde fan, he has many pals in Larbert who are Falkirk fans so again he has the bragging rights and I can't be anymore happy that yet again he can turn round to his pals who said 10-0 Falkirk that we done them in again! I do hope for my Falkirk supporting family and friends that this might get MacKinnon out the door, the c***s a fraud.
  13. Wasn't sure if it was in our out the box but either way it was a foul. We got away big time there! Other than that, happy enough how it's going. Salmon is utter pish.
  14. Cracking start before the game. Adagio for Strings ferry corsten remix
  15. Sometimes I should really read what I write before posting
  16. I had it for a weekend recently when she went to Italy with her Dad for a weekend (He's Italian), had a decent enough weekend but it was far from easy. ofcourse I told her when she got home it was a piece of piss
  17. I've got a mate who's a Clyde fan, his wife is Russian originally from Crimea and his 2 kids are fluent in Russian, I also think they can speak Ukrainian as well. Technically she's from a Non-EU country but aye, you're right!! For obvious reasons, I am a happy Daddy that my daughter enjoys watching Beatrice Egli on TV as Daddy also enjoys it, she's class
  18. I speak a wee bit of German so I'm bringing up our daughter to be bilingual so she watched the baby equivalent to Baby TV but mostly she listen to German Pop music. Funnily enough her favourite is a Swiss lassie called Beatrice Egli, she loves her! Plus she's a wid
  19. No idea the amount of times I've told her at 5am that I'm getting the snip . Kids are great mate, got my wee daughter all cute dancing away in the livingroom right now, always a fun watch! Guessing your baby will be a wee bilingual one?
  20. Brutal [emoji85]. My daughters sleeping in her own room just now. I'm a deep sleeper so don't really wake up when the wife brings her in but I usually wake up to my head being kicked in at 5.30am with the wee yin finding it very funny [emoji23]
  21. Better get used to the abrupt interruptions in yer sleep mate! My wee lassie who's now 16 months still likes to wake up in the middle of the night and now usually ends up in with us as we can't get her to sleep back in her cot . Could probably count on 2 hands how many full night sleeps she's had
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