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Ingo ohne Flamingo

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Everything posted by Ingo ohne Flamingo

  1. Funny you say that, watching the papers coming out at the count, my heart dips everytime I see an X next to the Tory candidate...
  2. The picture of him in the Union Flag suit is one of the first things I have ever seen
  3. Just been announced here at the Falkirk Count that we are behind schedule because of the number of Postal Ballots that were handed into Polling Stations, therefore the time it takes to scan and verify them before getting counted has held this up. I'm guessing this must be the case around Scotland.
  4. Just noticed that you are now getting 1.20 Euros to 1 Pound. Markets obviously happy...
  5. John McNally of the SNP just walked into the Count to loud cheers, probably the biggest majority SNP seat in Scotland, especially with the Labour Candidate being de-selected.
  6. Tempted in switching over to the Main BBC coverage, prefer the Scottish Panels but it's not giving much coverage to what is happening across England...
  7. Honestly surprised Dugdale hasn't backed Independence yet.
  8. In Falkirk it is the Chief Executive of the Council, I believe this is the case across Scotland.
  9. Their biggest mistake was choosing Ed Milliband over his Brother David. Things would be a loooooooot different now if that was the case...
  10. How can the Tories call Sturgeon the most divisive politician in Scotland when their leader is Boris Johnson?? Fucking idiots...
  11. He's a fucking tadger, done absolutely nothing for Glasgow SW. Wasn't until the SNP started to weed in that things started to change.
  12. Iain Davidson ex-MP on now, he used to by my MP in Drumoyne before I moved to Falkirk. What a jurassic p***k he is, done nothing for the area.
  13. I'm working at the Falkirk Count. It's safe to say it is a clear SNP win here, wouldn't be surprised if SNP poll over 50%. Tories look like finishing ahead of Safia Ali who was a Labour candidate Candidate before being withdrawn.
  14. Aye he was head and shoulders above the rest in that game at Broadwood. Won everything and controlled the midfield excellently, was surprised when he was subbed off.
  15. Funny you mention that, a colleague was telling me how he had absolutely everything when he was younger but he cannot remember the last time he was ill that wasn't drink related! Wee Juliana is at a council nursery 2 1/2 days a week and has already had the hand foot and mouth.
  16. Their attacking options are endless but it doesn't seem to be working for them. I loved Hazard at Gladbach but I felt it was knocked off the ball too easily and didn't score enough goals. His replacement Marcus Thuram I'm sure has already beaten his assists and goals tally from last season.
  17. Funnily enough it was on the back of a shite run 2 years ago that Clyde went to Links Park and won 3-1 and our season turned from there. Hopefully history repeats itself! Gutted I'm not making this one... Is your captain fit for this? Cannae mind his name but he's a fucking brilliant centre mid, really impressed at Broadwood. I'm guessing his fitness levels aren't great as he seems to be subbed anytime I look at the Mo line up. PS, hope you lot kick that fucking tory out today, don't get me wrong shes an absolute wid, but she's a tory...
  18. The ironic thing in the whole chicken pox situation, is for the last 2 weeks or so she has been doing cockle doodle doo noises as she loves Roosters
  19. Aye that's what I thought, the ones around her body haven't crusted yet but I'm hoping as she's been given antibiotics it'll speed the recovery up. She was only given them because of the infected ones on her face. Honestly, kids like to keep you on your toes . They are however the best fun
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