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Ingo ohne Flamingo

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Everything posted by Ingo ohne Flamingo

  1. Falkirk Candidates now being called to give results, declaration should be very soon and good, it's absolutely freezing in this hall!
  2. No, and that has been quite pleasing as last time round we had a lot of double and 3 figure majorities nevermind the odd single figure! Talking of the latter, I wonder how Gethins will get on in NE Fife
  3. No wonder it took Swinson well over an hour to get from her home to the count. She'd have had to fly from Bath to Cumbernauld Airport or something
  4. Gutted that Jim Murphy hasn't appeared on TV tonight, he was always worth a laugh
  5. She was here in Falkirk for the 2016 GE count. A definite wid
  6. Candidates just been called in Falkirk. Imagine we'll have something within 10 - 15 minutes.
  7. Yeah I think I might find myself watching the Nine a bit more often
  8. Derek McKay is a class act! His parliament exchanges with that Labour fanny James Kelly are glorious
  9. How many election do we need to hear the words "We need to sit down tomorrow and reflect" from the Labour party? Surprised I've not heard the words "Root and Branch review" yet. They have to back Independence or they will be a history subject in Scottish schools within 10 years...
  10. Kirstene Hair is an absolute wid! But she's a Tory so f**k her, she's history
  11. Edinburgh South, Dumfrieshire & Tweeddale, Berwickshire & Roxburgh, and possibly Dumfries.
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