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Everything posted by TavTastic

  1. Oh dear bud quit while you are only slightly behind. You've had an absolute shocker here.
  2. If you actually think that we are "sleepwalking into oblivion" with a wage to turnover ratio of 63% then you really need to do some research because you don't know what you are talking about. I don't think you do actually believe that incidentally.
  3. hahahahahahaha sure we will Kenny. Just you update me when that happens.
  4. What you mean board members investing in our club as they always said was the plan? You do realise most clubs run at a loss including the near entirety of the English Championship often to a far more significant extent? You're not making any logical point here.
  5. Well that's a very reductive way of looking at it. Anyone with a logical mind can see the strides forward we've made under Gerrard.
  6. Not insecure at all lad. Things are all good and the Sevconaut rumbles on.
  7. Might not get many arguments from Dons fans but that the truth that we are miles better seems to still be something denied by many of the reds considering the Lewis Ferguson debate prior.
  8. Funny thing is this just shows our tinpot Aberdeen are, as everything does, in that you are worse than a sevco phoenix club Started again in 4th tier, millions in revenue lost, entire squad bar 2 players gone for nothing, tied to terrible retail deal, etc. And yet this new club are STILL miles better than Aberdeen in Europe, even managed to sell a terrible player (Windass) for more than Aberdeen's record sale and are now miles ahead in terms of infrastructure and on pitch performances. That's how tinpot Aberdeen FC are
  9. Bud the transfer window in that league closes before the league season begins so it's not like they could tell the future.
  10. Ah crack on then. Wasn't a petition supposedly. He's claiming to have actually reported Morelos to the Home Office.
  11. Aye mate absolutely gutted that we didn't sell him. He's been terrible this season. 22 goals is a terrible return.
  12. I seen this today actually. John James is just comedy gold. I'd bet he never actually bothered reporting Morelos to the immigration authorities.
  13. Sometimes players regress/stall for whatever reason. Injuries being a main reason for example. It's very possible, and I think likely, that he will develop significantly but it's not guaranteed. I mean the boy's dad is the perfect example of a player not fulfilling his potential. Yeah we've all said it's not going to happen either
  14. Jack with a Scotland press conference. Must be starting then which makes sense with McTominay out.
  15. It doesn't make any sense in terms of Kamara out = Ferguson in as they are very different players. The Rangers das would love Ferguson and his all action style but he'd need a lot of coaching to fulfill Kamara's role in the team unless we are totally changing style. Ferguson, at the moment, has the raw attributes to be a top player in this league. However at the moment he's erratic and essentially would be back-up to Jack in the system - requiring a lot of coaching to get up to Jack's level of composure on the ball.
  16. Made up rubbish imo. Sheep would never sell to us so won't happen.
  17. Liverpool Echo saying the same as well. I'd trust both those sources ahead of Talksport.
  18. 12th spot would be very decent for 3rd to 5th space then.
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