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Lobby Dossar

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Everything posted by Lobby Dossar

  1. No …… What I expect is for players and clubs to follow the guidelines that have been put in place.
  2. Very few if any players will be getting paid under the current circumstances But don’t worry their still classed as professional and doing an essential job so they can fanny about all over the West of Scotland on a Saturday … … To buck with the rest of us
  3. Think you want to find out how the vast majority of clubs are run, cause by your comment you haven’t a clue
  4. It was your man from Darvel that brought up the pyramid!! My point was how can amateur players be allowed to play in the WoSFL but not in amateur leagues. Oh I forgot they are somehow classed as professional in that league In your dreams
  5. Conferences A, B and C are not part of the pyramid this season as there is no promotion and are basically playing for fun and I’ll guarantee you close on 50% of the players in these teams will be amateurs. How does that fit in with the professional argument ???
  6. I only want to go and see my brother who stays 5 miles away … BUT that’s now illegal from Friday
  7. I know you can but amateur leagues are not allowed to play What’s the difference of an amateur player in the WoSFL and one who wants to play for his own amateur team
  8. Agreed But during this tier 4 lockdown the WoSFL should show some leadership and shut the leagues down until 12th December
  9. So if their on an amateur contract should they be playing ????
  10. The government were conned into classing you as professional footballers. Just out a matter of interest how many tier 4 areas do your players and coaching staff have to pass through to get to Darvel for a game ??? To class teams in the WoSFL as professional while the majority of society has to stay within their council areas is a joke of the highest order
  11. Every club in the leagues are setting their own interpretations of the guidelines. For example saying that have a media team and press officer to get games online is just flouting the rules and making a mockery of the situation. Most teams have trouble filling committee posts at the best of times now committee men are coming out the woodwork just to get into games. From Friday it will be illegal for me to travel the 5 miles to Wishaw because it’s in North Lanarkshire but the boy 2 doors up from me who works in Tesco’s Monday to Friday but miraculously becomes a professional footballer player on a Saturday and can travel all over the West of Scotland. Fucking joke time people got real with what is going on
  12. That makes the decision to classify them as professionals even worse !!!
  13. And what a joke that was !!! The guy who managed to convince the government that the WoSFL be classed as professional should have been on Boris Johnson’s Brexit negotiating team and we would have had a deal months ago.
  14. Bending the rules to suit themselves the same as the majority of “professional “ clubs in the devision that they play in
  15. Think you’ll find that a lot of clubs are not following the guidelines to the letter. When questioned by Test and Trace they find out that their travelling 4 / 5 in a car and are getting change close to each other when you put all this evidence together And with numbers of infections showing no sign of declining so T&T are erroring on the side of caution.
  16. Would think it’s got something to do with COVID regulations at there grounds How much is it costing them to rent these venues????
  17. In your dreams Suggest you take a trip to your nearest hospital and see how the NHS staff are cooping with admissions As LTL says the mortality rate seems to be under control which is good, but no sign of infection rates or hospital admissions coming down. Also looks unlikely that there are going to be any reduction in current Tier restrictions in the coming weeks. And no I’m not a doom monger just realistic about what is happening in the country at the present moment.
  18. Great news and a step in the right direction But let’s get to the small print 30m doses is only enough for 15m people out of population of 65m+ so less than 20% of the country Also they have said that they have no idea how long the vaccine will be effective for As I say a step, all be it a small one in the right direction but we should not be shouting from the roof tops yet. Restrictions are going to be in place for a fair while yet probably over the whole of the winter months
  19. Are Celtic the only team in Britain not to have a poppy on their jersey this weekend ??? If so it’s a total disgrace for the Scottish Football Association
  20. Heap of shite !!!! Apart from the Premiership and even then only if they have a licence. Conference A, B and C are playing for the fun of it doesn’t matter who wins them or for that matter who is bottom
  21. Attitudes like that will ensure that we will be kept under restrictions for longer
  22. Naw … … It’s just a “f**k you Jack I’m alright” attitude
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