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Posts posted by Lichteeeeee

  1. On 19/02/2023 at 20:49, RedLichtie86 said:

    Coupled with the fact he clearly has had favourite players (usually from his Forfar days) over the years that can do no wrong (Swankie, Hilson, Donnelly) yet he will seek out another player to blame for a poor result (Linn, Hester, Whatley) 

    Dont expect anything to change over the next few games. Dick is set in his ways.

    Could be argued that with his favourite players we  were never sat bottom of the league

    Sure there is a fall guy, and id argue that Hilson and Donnelly were those guys last season, just like you have mentioned ( in excluding Linn as hes still here ) Hester and Whatley have been made to be those guys in previous seasons.

    Either way we were not sat at bottom of the table with the fall guys, favourite players.


  2. 7 minutes ago, ExiledLichtie said:

    Have you got me mixed up with someone else?  I spent the first half of the season consistently arguing that the management were completely failing to get the best out of the players we had, and that they kept putting the wrong team out.  I haven't changed my views.

    maybe, haha maybe someone else with a similar name who gives Hilson a constant hard time, for no real reason.

    Apologies if that isnt you man

  3. 29 minutes ago, ExiledLichtie said:

    Get any goals against a Cove team that have conceded 51 goals this season?  Any assists?

    The way we play, its going to be difficult for any striker to get goals, hoof it up and hope for the best, i thought after cocking it up  in the second half of last season, with the same shit tactics, and repeatedly this season that maybe you would see that its potentially not the players that are at fault.

    Its mainly players dont fit into this shit type of tactic that clearly doesnt work, thats taking us down. 



  4. 32 minutes ago, clashcityrocker said:

    Anything less than a win and we are virtually relegated.

    The January signings have been decent - but the damage was done with the summer signings in 2022.

    Would expect around 1000 Arbroath fans to attend the Cove match - hopefully this can inspire the players.

    Defeat against Cove and unfortunately it's over.

    Most of the summer signings are gone, how can they be to blame?


    The players who played today lost that game, not the summer signings.

    The team is simply not good enough. And you can stick that humble pie where the sun don't shine 




  5. On 31/01/2023 at 20:57, Tattie36 said:


    … how many of these new signings are Joel Nouble’s mates?


    Imagine the grief id have got if i was wrong on this

    To be fair i made some wild claims at the start of the season

    1. We were signing all Noubles mates ( all have been shoved out the door ) Uncle Dick confirmed this in the paper too, and the club had to get a recruitment team involved as the dross that was brought in was clearly not up to standard.

    2. There were problems behind the scenes ( think we all know thats true now )

    3. Multiple under contract players would ask to be released.

    4. DC needs to stop hoofing the ball up top, it doesn't work. ( the league table doesn't lie )

    Imagine for one second i was off with any of those claims, some people would say i was insane/full of it/ a troll 

    Lichteeeeeeeee knows




  6. 39 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    I don’t particularly think he’s being overly optimistic I think you are perhaps extremely pessimistic so it just seems that way. We were so very unlucky to lose that goal down at Ayr, you’d be looking at things a lot differently if we’d won that and won 2 from 3. 


    If my auntie had baws she would be my uncle. But we cant look at ifs/buts can we?

    I'd agree clearly the team lack confidence, but you can sign who you like, IMO unless tactics change, hoofing the ball up to one striker, against 4 defenders, statistically isnt going to work in your favour no matter who that striker is.

    I think the new bodies in have done well, hopefully a few more come in to give us some more depth.  Fingers crossed Hamilton and Cove dont sign too many players, it will be a slog, its achievable but we got to stop that hoofing the ball stuff. Its not ever really worked in reality, we done ok last season as it suited Nouble's strengths.




  7. On 17/01/2023 at 22:34, ExiledLichtie said:

    Key question, is he one of Nouble's mates?

    I love it when you bite 

    Go on, just admit it, it was Noubles mates that we signed, they were honking, and are out the door 6 months later.

    You do mind that Dick said in one of the local rags, he was leveraging Noubles contacts/old pals down south?

    Your aware the club had to hire a new recruitment team, as what Uncle Dick was bringing in wasnt anywhere near good enough. Kinda suggests that DC needed assistance as the Noubles mates model wasnt working out too well.

    However, DC is the manager, so it wouldnt be a surprise to anyone if he was still trying to see if any of Noubles old tier 7 friends can cut it up here. I mean he certainly has played most of this season, and the second half of last season thinking Nouble was upfront. It can be the only reason that he plays that long ball up top on a regular basis. 

    But how dare anyone ever have an opinion or say anything bad about DC signing Noubles mates, even though it was reported in the paper. 

    You should care more about your personal hygiene and brushing your teeth


  8. 3 hours ago, Arbroath36.0! said:

    These players are well and capable to come in do their jobs on the pitch even after being out injured etc, 


    I doubt anyone can come in after months out, with a couple of hours training per week, and do their job, match fitness makes all the difference. 

    Take your point that is madness also to have bounce games with such a small squad, incase of injuries.

    Its a catch 22 though, because those who need to get fitter need some kind of game time, especially the likes of Scott Allan, who didnt have a pre-season, good player but is playing catch up, also Hilson who was out injured for a period. 

  9. 4 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    So replying to you is a bite now? Is this you biting to me? 

    First of all I agreed with most of what you said about Nouble etc so no I’m not calling you strange for that reason. You are absolutely all over the place in the stuff you come away with, having a go at me for saying Scott Allan is not up to this level is very strange because I quite simply never said it and I’ve stuck up for him probably more than anyone else on here. 

    Also I’m only doing what literally every other poster is doing including yourself and giving my opinions on players. You are the one who started banging on about what level I had played at and you are now turning that round and using at against me? Also very strange 

    And now you are saying my football knowledge could be written on the bag of a fag packet 😂 as opposed to what? Is your football knowledge filling out War and Peace sized books like? Again my moronic opinion holds as much weight as yours does 


    It is all very strange yes 




    If i could be bothered id go and find where you said Scott Allan couldn't cut it at this level. We both know you said it, which is why your angry at it being brought up.

    You did also state that Airdrie players could cut it at this level, if they were fitter and stronger

    Now you claim to be a fan, but constantly hammer our own players 

    "Cammy Gil gave you the fear"

    Oh and your now in the Hilson camp, after slaughtering him something awful, and for what, because he was sat on a bench and unused by the manager, and thrown on out wide left, after 6 weeks of no action. 

    Then he gets a wee run of games, does ok, and he's now a good squad player.

    You use " this level " very often.

    You have now stated you havent kicked a ball in your puff, im glad you cleared that up, the way you was dishing out who can play at what level, i thought it was Thierry Henry or something posting on here.



  10. On 24/12/2022 at 19:57, 1320Lichtie said:

    I’ve never said Scott Allan wasn’t good enough for this level what are you on about? You are very strange sometimes.


    And I’ll comment on what level I think players are if I want to, don’t like it, f**k off. Unless you’re a professional football player yourself your opinion has just as much weight as the rest of ours 

    Now now, is that a little bite????

    You want to calm down, we dont want your blood pressure and cholesterol going through the roof over a debate on football. 

    So you say im very strange at times? Ive only ever posted my opinion on folks slagging our own players, and DC using Nouble and his knowledge of tier 8 of English football as something i find bizzare in terms of signings.

    Was i wrong? Were they up to the level you claim to know?

    I'd encourage you to read your own posts, you are always suggesting who is up to this level, and who isnt. Repeatedly, and we all know you wouldnt have any clue who is up to any level, and your knowledge of the game could be written on the back of a fag packet.

    As per my last message, i asked you who made you the knowledge of all football levels, your response was i can f**k off if you dont like it ( unless in a professional footballer ) So its ok for a footballer to challenge your opinion, but noone else can?

    Maybe take your own advice, if you dont like what i have to say, if you dont want anyone to challenge your moronic opinion, then dont post.


  11. On 23/12/2022 at 16:22, 1320Lichtie said:

    And how is that relevant, if this was a forum solely for ex professional football players there’d be nobody on it 

    Its relevant because you are the one dishing out advice on who can cut it at what level, telling people that Airdrie players can cut it in the championship if they were stronger & fitter. 

    We have some pikey in the stand, with an oddball haircut and wears clobber from Sports Direct advising folk who can cut it at what level.

    noone said it was a forum for professional footballers at any point did they?

    I've saw you say Scott Allan isnt good enough for this level, I've saw you say the same about many others. And now you are telling Airdrie fans their players might cut it at this level, if they were fitter and stronger 


  12. 2 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    And yours, Championship football is a step up but it’s not that big. If a player is very fit and a solid player in L1 they’ll be absolutely fine in this division. 

    You got to love this guy, always talking about levels and stuff, and has never kicked a ball in his puff.




  13. 7 minutes ago, keptie said:

    I'm prepared to give them more time. An away draw at Raith isn't a terrible result probably should've won. You want them sacked?

    Thats twice you have asked him if he wants them sacked? 

    I want them sacked 

    So you are prepared to give them more time, more time for what ?

    Since last season, the tactics have been a joke, long balls to a lone man up top doesnt work, its clear it doesnt work, how many more games do we need to drop points before someone changes something up.

    We have a decent budget, money in the bank, the squad in general is decent on paper ( I know your not that dumb to claim they turned bad overnight )

    A blind man can tell you that this squad isnt as together as last season.

    We play Mckenna, Linn, Corfe up top themselves, yes were short up top, but jesus christ, play a couple up top or try something else. 

    Other players played in bizzare positions over the course of the season, this is all down to management choices, and of courses injuries and so on however, i think anyone will agree we are not getting out of this squad, what has been invested in it, in terms of wages, quality of player, the fact we can bring in the best part time players to play at Championship level, whilst paying a decent wage.

    Next you will tell me that this management are getting the very best out of the squad we have, and its this magical striker that everyones waiting on in January that will solve all of the problems.

    We threw it away last season, because these guys couldn't change formation, couldn't rotate the squad these guys are chumps, this is a poor league and we must do better. 

    The blame lies firmly at the managers door, he chooses who plays where, he picks the players to sign the contracts, who else do we blame ?

    If we all sat with a loser mentality like you, giving them more time, then we will see you in league one.


  14. On 04/12/2022 at 11:14, lichtiekev said:


    Also it's clear Scott Allan isn't going to ever be suited to this level and especially our style of football, I wouldn't be opposed to cutting ties with him, 

    Is it the player, the level, the style of play or the lack of tactical awareness of the manager ?

    I understand we have no strikers etc, but DC seems to just go with the most bizzare choices at times, and still tries to stick to launching long balls up top, by passing our midfielders and it simply does not work.

    But at least try and get something out of the players we have at our disposal, using different formations, try stuff out.



  15. 2 hours ago, 2002 Lichtie said:


    Scott Allan? Should have the experience to pull the strings in midfield from start to finish, not just play 1 killer pass. How many times does he give the ball away?
    He doesn’t always see the runs forwards make nor play it forward quickly enough to get the team up the pitch let alone make attempts at getting beyond the lone striker.

    Furthermore, he moaned & moaned again at Shanks for simply passing to him instead of playing for a foul. Most likely would have moaned if Shanks had won a foul & not passed to him……….


    My fear is, you are never going to get the best out of a luxury player like Allan in a team like this.

    No-one passes and moves, more pass the buck is the game we play.

    The long ball constantly bypassing out most creative player

    Why we are still playing with one man upfront, rather than trying to chance the tactics to suit the players we have is down to DC and his tactics. He got away with it with Nouble and Hamilton, both are long gone.

    1 100% get it, hit it long, big `Nouble who is fast and strong is going to put fear into the opposition 

    Doing this against Morton, is like a day off for the Morton defence, whoever plays up top has to run about between 4 defenders to try and put them under some kind of pressure. 

    McKenna being played in that role is a waste of what McKenna can do, and anyone else up top who are not big target men.


  16. 1 hour ago, Tattie36 said:


    We also now have a modern stadium and number of players who are essentially full-time.


    Couple of guys staying in a flat, is hardly full time players. Ones on loan, from a full time club, others are here from London, stay in the same flat and simply train on their own. Maybe to try and give themselves half a chance of making it. What else are they going to do, jerk off all day.

    Because they are stuck up here in a flat, doesnt mean we have players who are essentially full time. They train together through the week, outwith our 1 hour sessions we have at our normal training sessions.

    Our highest earner in Scott Allan, is part time and trains part time with the club.

    Lets not kid ourselves we are pulling in full time players.

    Improvement to the stadium is apparent for sure, but realistically its a tidy up job and brought up to the 20th century nothing more.



  17. 14 hours ago, stan3600 said:

    He did start Hilson. Hilson cannot play lone striker. Hilson is a trooper who gives 100% but not good enough at this level.


    Sure lone striker and failing to change things up and try a different formation, given Hilsons 5ft 8 if lucky, hitting hopeless balls up top clearly isnt going to be everyones style. Infact it only works with bigger guys like Nouble or Hamilton.

    That is on DC and his inability to change formation, or get the best out of players, the guy tactically is so poor, Hancock at left wing, when hes a centre half is nothing short of a joke. 

    Mckenna has played that grim shift up top and failed as has many others, dont you think it might be a managerial tactical problem? Rather than a player problem.

    We have much of the same starting 11 as last year, but the manager cant get anyone to play this season for one reason or another.



  18. 4 hours ago, Hammerafc said:

    I wouldn't disagree we need some better attacking options but we have to give those that we have a run in the team as they are better than not having any.

    Shanks scored against Queens and could have got a second. Give him a run of games and see if he can build a partnership and get some confidence.

    We are getting in some great positions but nobody in the striker area to bag the goals.

    Run of games is whats needed, not one game and bombed onto the bench for 6 weeks.

    Whether that be Hilson, Shanks or whoever, someone needs a run of games seems like if you dont hit the ground running as a striker in the one game you get a chance, you dont get a look in again.

  19. 34 minutes ago, RedLichtie86 said:
    42 minutes ago, Vegetableman said:
    You Don't become a crap manager overnight , you lot were punching way above last season 
    As said before careful what you wish for 
    Oh BTW thanks for Luke Donnelly . 2 goals today and playing well ;.

    Glad he found his level. After almost 3 years without a league goal he must be happy.

    Is that the same level we will be next season?

    Is that a brass neck you have?

  20. 39 minutes ago, Vegetableman said:

    You Don't become a crap manager overnight , you lot were punching way above last season 

    As said before careful what you wish for 

    Oh BTW thanks for Luke Donnelly . 2 goals today and playing well ;.

    Oh dont dude

    Because we played him up top on his own, or out wide left rather than playing him in his natural position in the middle of the park.

    Our own fans say its a disgrace Mckenna was played up top today, who plays a similar position to Luke.

    But because its LD he got hell for it.

    Glad to see him doing well at Alloa though, good player if you ask me and glad a manager plays him to suit his attributes.


  21. 1 hour ago, Tattie36 said:

    Well yes obviously but his success with us and Livi has caused Dick to look for more.

    My thing is, everyone seems to be looking for the new Nouble ?24 games and 4 goals ( yes he done a good turn )

    Jack Hamilton 16 games and 7 goals or 18 goals in 34 games if we count the two loans.



  22. 12 minutes ago, ExiledLichtie said:

    Because I'm looking at our squad and I'm trying to work out who "all Nouble's mates" are.  Maybe Isiaka, but he was on trial with other clubs first.  

    Just a quick question, maybe im a simpleton, but because a guy goes on trial with other clubs first, he cant be Noubles mate?

    Ikechi Eze of Stranraer is Noubles mate, he was on trial with us, and ended up at Stranraer 

    You going to say thats not his mate, because he didnt sign for Arbroath? Just so i can understand your logic on identifying who his mates are?

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