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Gallus Numpty

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Everything posted by Gallus Numpty

  1. While I have no desire to give him 4 games either, I doubt if José Mourhino himself could have coached a decent result out of our current squad at two days' notice.
  2. While I quite agree, unfortunately I suspect a lot of them remember that the only thing any Motherwell official ever really said in public about it was Maurice Ross saying we should get the three points.
  3. I guess on match days your risk is already relatively high if somebody has caught the lurgy since their test, and you're unlikely to make it any higher by standing beside them for 30 seconds. On non-match days, players still have to socially distance while they're not training, because there's obviously no way to know whose next test might be positive.
  4. I've just got a getting old fast memory. Used to be able to remember all sorts of useless trivia from 30 years ago no bother, now I'm not even sure I'll be able to remember the way to my work when we go back.
  5. Airdrie died in 2002. Can't say I have any feelings either way about the new lot.
  6. New York City. Three goals in 34 starts, according to the usual sources.
  7. Yes. There’s no reason for a player to even have access to their phone during a game.
  8. That and not scoring in Dortmund are probably my two biggest "what ifs" as a 'Well fan.
  9. As far as I know the SPFL still have no power to do that, so a fine or similar seems more likely.
  10. "I'm not racist, but..." Of course he couldn't say it directly, but "offering a hypothetical scenario" is pretty basic Politicians' Interview Technique stuff.
  11. Yep, like all wingers he had good days and (probably more frequent) not so good days, and that's why he's playing for the likes of Motherwell and Ross County. Slightly disappointed to see him go, but not surprised, and I think most of us would wish him well.
  12. You can't be offside from a corner unless there's a pass after the corner is taken. In this case the first contact was a shot, so no offside.
  13. How many of the other 20 teams in the top Turkish league can you name? How many Scottish Premier league teams do you think your average Turkish fitba' fan could name?
  14. The last GAA player we signed didn't doo too bad. Well, except that time when... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/hi/football/teams/m/motherwell/3735714.stm
  15. Yes they would, but only because they'd have to. Foreign teams generally have much more to lose in terms of prize money etc. if they lose their star players and can't replace them. That's what sets the general level of player values in any given league, not how much the buyer can afford.
  16. In that case, they have. On the other hand, they spent over £10m on Eyal Berkovic and Rafael Scheidt. Any signing is gamble, for them, us, or anyone else, and that's why everyone pays as little as they can get away with.
  17. Dodgy as he was, I see he had to retire at the age of 27 this year due to heart valve problems. I'm sure we'll all wish him well...
  18. That's a different Stephen O'Donnell. (Unless we've accidentally signed a 37-year-old.)
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