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Carnoustie Young Guvnor

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Everything posted by Carnoustie Young Guvnor

  1. Thank you. And I do not spam, spamming is posting lots of stuff irrelevant to the subject being discussed. This is a forum, I am entitled to air my views, and I do so without targeting other posters. I have been called a bigoted cretin, a piece of shit, god knows what else on this thread, and that's apparently okay.
  2. What is going on is morons are desperate for it to be a human rights issue so they can feel all righteous, but it isn't.
  3. Wow This is nothing to do with 'human rights' lol. A trans person has every single right everybody else does, identical, there isn't a single right any member of society has that trans people do not, and that is protected in law. As it should be. Its not like gay people in the 70's who were criminalised and discriminated against in law. That is not the case here, and people presenting it as such are lying to themselves or you. If anyone can name one legal right I have that a trans person does not I'll never post again....
  4. Posting about the subject at hand is not spamming champ. And you'll note, once again, a personal attack on me, several on this thread, whilst I never, ever, ever mount a personal attack against anybody.
  5. But its fine to make completely unfounded accusations about them. I will reciprocate, you never post anything worth reading anyway.
  6. He's the fuckin Rasputin of football!!! 10 wins and 2 draws (both v Celtic) from 12 games so far. Biblical.
  7. That's what it said champ, and what was said to me after by posters in this thread.
  8. Still no evidence? You're happy just to throw out unfounded accusations yeah?
  9. I didn't mention that at all. It was alleged on here today it offered 100% protection after one dose.
  10. Did anyone ever say at any point that it did? Yeah, in this very thread today, CEO of Astra Zeneca, and I was slated for questioning it.
  11. I really don't see a political dimension. As for indyref2 events are proving her right and the current leadership wrong, they are moving closer and closer to her position every day, and she hasn't budged an inch.
  12. Turns out the vaccine does not offer 100% protection after the first dose. Who could have guessed a CEO would talk up his own company's product?
  13. Two things, I did not say qualifications in politics are required for that, I actually was at pains to point out, twice, that is not the case. And you know that, so are lying. And where is the evidence of the lazy accusation you made about me? I asked for it half an hour ago, where is it? Or don't you have any?
  14. It shows she is an incredibly intelligent and well educated person, moreso than anybody on this forum, and if she was an actual bigot would be capable of being a bit smarter about it than displaying open bigotry on a public form. Her concerns are sex based protections and freedom of speech, which she has campaigned for her entire adult life. It also reminds people who want to attack her who they are taking on, intellectually she is a giant compared to all the people who label her a transphobe.
  15. There's no reasoning with people like you. There's just no point.
  16. No the hysterical nonsense from clowns like you required it
  17. You have shown zero bigotry on the part of Joanna Cherry. Lets have a quick read about the person you are calling a bigot University of Edinburgh, where she gained a first-class Bachelor of Laws honours degree in 1988 and a Master of Laws degree in 1989. Career[edit] Following her graduation, Cherry worked as a research assistant with the Scottish Law Commission (1990) before practising as a solicitor with the Edinburgh legal firm Brodies WS until 1995. She also worked as a part-time tutor in constitutional law, family law and civil court practice at the University of Edinburgh from 1990–1996.[3] Cherry was admitted as an advocate in 1995, with a particular interest in employment and industrial relations, health and safety, mental health, personal injury and professional negligence.[1][3] She served as a Standing Junior Counsel to the Scottish Government from 2003 to 2008, and as an Advocate Depute and Senior Advocate Depute from 2008 until 2011. She was appointed a Queen's Counsel in 2009[4] and was an advocate with the Arnot Manderson stable within the Faculty of Advocates [5] until her election to parliament.[6]
  18. She was elected with a 12000 majority so I think you're clearly wrong here
  19. Delusional. The idea that Joanna Cherry spends a single second of her time thinking I hate these effin trans folk lets legislate to their detriment cause I hate them so much is laughable nonsense. She is someone who simply has some concerns with elements of a bill being pushed by the party of which she is a member.
  20. You made an accusation. Back it up. Show some examples....
  21. I know, that's the point I'm making, that's why a Tory introduced this amendment, its dropping a hand grenade in the SNP and running away. And its working, it will work. This will cost us independence.
  22. I have never done that once, see what I mean even you believe the hype, its nonsense. Its just drivel.
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