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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. I totally agree with this and it makes me really angry and more determined not to give them my cash. They are supposed to be fellow Falkirk fans so how can they justify turning their back on a initiative that was going to unite everyone at the club and put £800k in the coffers and possibly have fans who were willing to donate money into the club on a monthly basis beyond the initial 3 years of the scheme. It's not even that the scheme was designed to take control of the club. It was a way for loyal fans to own a share in the club they love. If they put the shutters up tomorrow they can honestly go f**k themselves, I won't be back.
  2. If the board do the right thing on Friday we could see that injection of cash from ST sales. I have the money just sitting waiting to be parted with [emoji16] I also have the cash I was willing to give to btb on a monthly basis that they could have as well if they play the game and be true to their word.
  3. The only way I can see things being mended is if they agree to work with the btb group.
  4. This is my big hope from Friday. I am hoping Lex and co. attend the meeting looking to work with the fans for the good of the club as I want back to the matches. If this doesn't happen the gap between the board and fans with the same mindset as me will just widen.
  5. Exactly, it's more likely to be "its got to be whats in the best interests of the board/msg" that is driving this mob and stopping them taking the btb cash.
  6. Maybe they thought that they could trust the board to be true to their word. Knowing who our board contains I agree trust isn't a word you would associate with them.
  7. Think Lexi boy might be phoning in sick next Friday.
  8. He might read it but he won't have a fucking clue what it means.
  9. Looking at that shows how small a squad we have at the moment. I am sure Lex has 6 or 7 top drawer signings up his sleeve though.
  10. My one point I really want clarified next Friday is why have they renaged on their promise to allow the fans to buy a percentage of shares in the club. I am not a shareholder but I have friends who are that I know will be at the meeting next week. I don't trust the board but I do trust my friends. If they come away from the meeting convinced that Lex and Co. do really have the clubs best interests at heart and are actively trying to sell the club to real genuine bidders then I would consider renewing. I'm not holding my breath though that a lot of good will come from the board side at next weeks meeting.
  11. Apparently this is part of the reason both he and Lex Miller have dug their heels in against the fans.
  12. I get where you are coming from but we are dealing with people who are driven by financial greed. They could not give a shit if we shouted at them for 90 mins of every game of every season, it is water off a ducks back to them. All they understand is money and in my opinion the only way to get the point over to them is through finance by withholding money from them. That is my opinion but each to their own.
  13. Poster on twitter saying there are now no bids on the table for the club. Hopefully all will come out next week at the EGM, wish I was a shareholder.
  14. There has been loads that has pissed me off but the main one was the blatant betrayal and lies with regards to the btb bid. Why let Kenny and David do all that work with the promise that they would allow us fans to invest in our club if we reached £800k to then deny us this opportunity. For me this is unforgivable and the main reason I won't be back at TFS until they are gone. No matter what they do and who they sign I won't be back. I don't however have any issues with those that have renewed.
  15. Exactly, the folk I know who haven't renewed won't be there Saturday or back at TFS until the board depart as promised.
  16. I am the same, it's breaking my heart that I haven't renewed. Due to work I only go to home games so I am faced with not seeing the team until the board/msg f**k off. I am however willing to play the long game as I feel that is the best for the club.
  17. If you mean Shayne Lavery he has signed for Linfield. Felt he was never really given a chance by McKinnon.
  18. That's a thought, the walk to westfield could be busy
  19. This is definitely dividing the support but I feel it has to be an each to their own. If fans want to renew, PATG, purchase merchandise it's up to them. I haven't and I won't PATG until the board go but I won't slag off anyone that goes to games. I have the new away top, my daughter and her partner bought it for me as a gift. I'm not that petty that I would take it back. I just wish the board/msg would be true to their word and gtf.
  20. Has scored no goals at previous clubs so would fit the Falkirk striker profile.
  21. I bet there are board/msg members or their family and friends posting on here.
  22. Me too If they think bringing their friends and business associates onto the board is going to make me renew they are wrong.
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