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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. I would rather have new owners than any board headed up by Lex Miller. On that front I am prepared to take a chance. I would prefer the BTB option though.
  2. I swear to god, if Lex Miller is in charge of our new board I will never set foot in TFS again, that will be the final straw for me.
  3. I agree that what went on playing wise is a large part of the problem but to that I would add: 1) Accusing us of being racist in the press before allowing a police enquiry to proceed to it's conclusion. We are still being tarred as a racist support and probably will for ever more. 2) The mess they made of the McKinnon recruitment and the subsequent cost financially to the club. 3) The fact they promised the fans group that if they managed to get pledges of £800k they would allow us to purchase a stake in the club. To allow Kenny and David to put in hours of time and effort to then retract this and pull the rug by then saying they were talking to other investors. The club has been in decline for a number of years and in my opinion unless there is change at the top it will only get worse. If the only way of showing my discontent with the board is by withholding my ST money and staying away from TFS until they are gone then that is what I will do. It is hard as I have been following Falkirk for 46 years. That is my opinion but each to their own.
  4. I am not saying I don't like McKinnon, I am merely saying that he is a defensive, cautious manager and this is his first priority. I am willing to give him a chance, but anything other than attacking football with plenty of goals in league one won't wash.
  5. I see it as McKinnon is more focused on not losing matches. I still believe a different approach towards the end of last season might have saved us from relegation. It's in his psyche he can't help it he has shown a cautious, defend first approach at every club he has managed.
  6. If he doesn't play an attacking style of football and we do change owners I think he will be lucky to see September out, especially if the Indian bid is succesful.
  7. Exactly and that for me is why he doesn't see it as his priority.
  8. McKinnon should have had signing strikers as his no,1 priority this window. Zak aside we were shite in that department both under Hartley and McKinnon and it should have been the first thing he addressed.
  9. That's me blocked Lex eh I mean Latapy and a peaceful tranquility has descended over me [emoji16]
  10. I get what folk are saying about renewing/not renewing, my main reason for not renewing is I want rid of the board as I'm not happy with the way they have run a club that averages just under 5000 fans for home games. All this stuff about them talking to bidders means nothing to me, until I see concrete evidence that they have sold i.e a statement from the new owners I won't give the club a penny and that includes merchandise and PATG. If they don't leave I am fully prepared to stay away from TFS until they do. They have been an absolute shambles the past few season and the treatment of the fans has been a disgrace. I agree with those saying to renew gives the impression that things are okay but that is just my opinion.
  11. I am not renewing until the board gtf. Each to their own but I've seen some on twitter saying they won't renew but will PATG. Surely that defeats the purpose as you are giving them more money albeit not up front. For me if you are going to PATG you are as well renewing.
  12. Looking forward to August - Dead Kennedys, Bunnymen and The Cure. Should be a belting month.
  13. Same on twitter, they feel the need to comment on Falkirk related tweets. Good job they don't care though.
  14. And a couple of strikers who can score goals [emoji106]
  15. Even with that stuff on the sleeve the strips are belting. Love the white top [emoji7]
  16. Navy blue, white and red the way it should be.
  17. New home strip will have white shorts and red socks [emoji16]
  18. Very strange end to a game. The entire pen incident took an eternity but the ref just didn't bother with injury time.
  19. Has there been any confirmed links with strikers. Beginning to think McKinnon isn't going to bother with goals and we will just defend our way out of League 1.
  20. Got to say I am happy so far with the quality of signing we have brought in for League 1. I didn't think we had a chanceof getting Tidser at this level and Telfer is an excellent signing. Still not renewing till the board gtf though.
  21. Mutch is still young in keeper terms. Would be happy with him as a back up to a more experienced No.1.
  22. Quite glad Paton is going. Got to be honest and say I wouldn't be too fussed about many of last seasons players leaving. There are some I would be happy to keep Robson, Zak if we could have but the rest not bothered either way. Sent from my SM-G960F using Pie and Bovril mobile app
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