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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. I think this could make folk think twice about renewing season tickets. I will renew but folk might look at McKinnon still being there and think twice about watching that turgid defensive shite week in week out in the seaside league.
  2. I don't see it as an adventure either. I remember our last stint in the 3rd tier of Scottish football. Playing at Brockville to crowds of 1500, virtually no travelling support, it was absolutely shite. Looking at that League 1 and seeing the teams what game is there to feel any excitement about Raith, Airdrie. Teams will come to TFS and raise their game playing in front of a decent crowd and it will probably be hard as buggery to get out of.
  3. I think if we go down he has to go. I wouldn't have faith in him putting out an attacking team that could win us the 1st division.
  4. Got an Italian keeper you may be interested in.
  5. F*ck sake, if ever the moderate your alcohol intake groups needed a frontman for their campaign !!!
  6. I think Vaulks could go for more than 3 or 4 million, that English market is crazy. The way he has played for Rotherham and now he is in the Wales team I could see a bottom half Prem team or top Championship mob paying 7 or 8 million. However it goes Will thoroughly deserves everything he gets. Great player and cracking lad.
  7. Bitter rivals Falkirk !!! and Morton fans say we are the needy ones trying to create a rivalry with them [emoji848]
  8. Sure it was organised by the Police Peter. Player, cop and the rest of the team was made up of supporters. I played one year and I'm sure we had Andy Seaton as our player. I remember a fan nutmegging Yogi and him going raj 🤣🤣
  9. Have only seen one of the pens Dallas gave the h**s and it was a disgraceful decision. The corruption in Scottish football towards certain clubs has gone on too long. Still believe refs in Scotland should be made to say which team they support as they have to do in England.
  10. Do elaborate, will that be a pleasant surprise or a jeezo surely fecking no surprise [emoji16]
  11. I was going to sign up to Bairn for Life but instead have pledged £20 a month to this scheme. I wonder if there are any Bairn for Life patrons who have decided against the fan ownership scheme as they can't afford both. At the moment for me this scheme is more important.
  12. Really need to make TFS a tougher place for teams to come and attack from the start. That gets the fans going and makes the atmosphere better.
  13. Looking for a bit advice. Got a gig in Broadcast, Sauchiehall St tomorrow night. Due to work commitments we won't be through until later so bringing the car. Are there parking restrictions in the likes of Bath St or the side streets off it at night. Thanks in advance of any advice.
  14. As in our time of need in the late 90's, when the Bairns need us we are there. Great support.
  15. They said last night that they would look at that and see if folk would be happy to keep donating beyond the initial pledge period.
  16. I think Kenny and David would accomodate folk willing to invest £1 - £3k. Got the feeling last night they are open to suggestions.
  17. It was clear last night that David and Kenny, who are volunteers have put a lot of work into this. It was also clear that they are intelligent individuals with business knowledge. They have done this, because like the majority of us they love Falkirk FC and have concerns about the way the club is heading. They are right to gauge the level of support for the scheme before taking things further as this will probably result in another load of work. All they are asking, is fans if they are interested to make pledges of amounts they can realistically afford to see if the initiative is worth taking further. Kenny said last night if folk have got questions, he will make himself available to answer them. Good chance for us ordinary fans who don't have loads of money to have representation on our board.
  18. Was at the meeting and cannot see much wrong with the scheme. One off chance to dilute the power of the MSG which they are agreeing too. If fans can afford to back it and don't then they really shouldn't moan about any shit that goes down in the future in terms of the running of the club. P.s great turn out with most pledging to support the scheme
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