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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. I think the £10pm scheme will attract a lot of interest. I know a lot of fans didn't commit to the Bairn for Life scheme as they felt it should have been for shares in the club. According to the Herald there will be a Forum in the next month or so to present the scheme to the fans.
  2. I'm getting the word.........nonce [emoji23][emoji23]
  3. Would have been better with thermals and the big jacket to be honest.
  4. That reply to Edibairn has fair made my day [emoji16]
  5. If my sources are correct Dennon heard nothing. He was made aware of an overheard conversation about him between 2 fans when an alleged racist term was used.
  6. Club jumped the gun here in my opinion. They should have let the police investigate the allegations before going public. Yet another f**k up in this shambles of a season.
  7. Exactly the most bigoted horrible support on Gods earth have a cheek talking about anyone else. Scummy *** b@stards.
  8. Two month deal only I heard as he wants to f**k off for spring break.
  9. I would have Harrison as back up before Muirhead. I won't deny that he is passionate but he is an accident waiting to happen.
  10. I've seen us in the lower leagues. Playing in front of crap crowds, hardly any away support, no big games to look forward too. If possible, I would prefer we avoided this pish.
  11. On a more positive note, on the same FB page that has caused a lot of the issues a group of Falkirk fans are currently looking at a show Racism the red card event at our next home game. Also talking about trying to organise a charitable collection. As is the case with most clubs 99.9% of fans are decent people. Small minorities unfortunately tarnish the good folk.
  12. This is my main issue with the statement. Racism is too serious an issue to try and bolt on issues about players/officials getting abuse online at the back of it.
  13. Whether we like it or not Edi every support has them. You have your opinion which I totally respect and I have mine. I just feel the club statement has caused a lot of issues between fans and I am not talking about the arsehole element.
  14. My point exactly, would have united us to seek out and identify the racist scum in our support. Just had a look at the COYB facebook page and holy f**k things are getting heated on there. Never seen anything split the fans like this. Dennon was 100% right to make his complaint but I feel as you say a police statement would have been better than the way the club have worded it.
  15. Yeah, I agree with what you are saying. A bit of calm is needed until the police conclude their investigation. Then the culprits will be identified and no matter what age they are will be dealt with in court.
  16. I totally agree with this. I can't help wondering however if the club had held back on the statement and let the police do their enquiry then if no witnesses were found go public with an appeal would this all have been avoided. I do not think the club have handled this great. I know they wanted to get a message out that racism will not be tolerated. They are totally correct in doing this but let the police do their job first. Mind you for all I know they could have put the statement out on the advice of the police and if this is the case the club have acted correctly.
  17. These comments from Facebook are beyond belief. To suggest Lewis has made this up as a way to get out of his contract at the club is incredible and extremely insulting to Dennon. I still however think the club should have reported this to the police first, let them do their enquiry and then go public. They may have then avoided the sort of comments from the arseholes we are getting on social media now.
  18. I would think that what has been shouted at Dennon has made him believe it has come from a Falkirk fan as surely if he wasn't 100% he wouldn't have said it was a Falkirk fan. I am thinking along the lines of " you aren't fit to wear the jersey Lewis" and then have made a comment regarding his race. It's all speculation of what has happened at the moment though and until persons are identified, which I hope they are and brought before the courts we will not know.
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