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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Just waiting on Johnny coming on to tell us [emoji848]
  2. I don't tend to go on other team's threads is Johnny a Bairns fan?
  3. Are we going to get anything further Johnny or are you leaving it at hearing talk of administration ?
  4. Mitchell is a better keeper than Fasan, I just hope the injury isn't a bad one.
  5. He played Centre back on the left side. Nothing got past him and he put in loads of really good tackles, he was steady the full 90 minutes.
  6. Just back from the reserves and agree with Reggie regarding the players who done well. Dunne was playing more in a left wing back role. Think he and Robson could forge a good partnership down that flank. Froxy is a player and should be in the starting 11, Russell also played really well and should start. Mitchell looked distraught going off with what looked like a shoulder injury. Hopefully not a long term injury as again he played well and looked really safe. At least you leave the reserve games without the dark gloom that seems to accompany leaving first team games.
  7. Hoping to get a look at Rudden today at the reserves. I am hoping that he is now free from international duty and will be available to play.
  8. Surprised the young uns go to the Maniquee, why have they given up on the Maddox and Reids !!
  9. Thanks, yeah I am sure he will improve us given time and a transfer window or two. Couldn't really make things any worse.
  10. You are welcome and could I take this opportunity to thank you for your manager.
  11. Watched McKinnon's after match interview and thought he was very good. He knows that squad is shite but if he comes out all Hartley and slags the players he loses them. He realises this is what he has to work with until January so he spoke of positives and praised individual players McKee, Dunne which for me is better than slagging them off. Yesterday was slightly better, the shape of the team especially in the first half was good. Two banks of 4, worked hard and looked difficult to break down. A lapse of concentration early in the second half cost us. Anyone saying we were outplayed is either talking pish or they weren't there. We had more of the play, especially after they scored but for me this is where our problem really lies. We look the now as if we could play all day and not score. Lewis, Haber, Petravicius are just not good enough or possibly in Haber's case just not interested enough. I was at the reserves Monday and Mackin although a lump will score given the right service, I would build the attack around him and get Rudden in beside him. In terms of the entire squad it's the worst I have seen and for that I hope bad luck regularly visits Hartley and Mitchell for the rest of their lives. I have probably seen worse players but not a collective of so many. As for us fans I really am at the stage where I sat yesterday and listened to quite a few round about me going absolutely ballistic and I thought what's the point. This team in terms of confidence are probably as low as they could be and us booing or berating individuals is going to do absolutely no good at all. I am just praying that McKinnon can cobble together a team out of this sorry lot and stop us from being cast aside at the bottom until January. It is going to be a difficult few months but I really believe McKinnon can keep us up.
  12. Can a club cancel loan deals. I am just thinking we have the likes of Haber, Turner on deals. Could we cancel them early and use the money to see what is out there free agent wise. I know folk will say the free agents out there will be pish but I refuse to believe there aren't players out there without a club who couldn't put more of a shift in than Haber did today.
  13. I agree that is nice and would do but I would prefer just a wee bit bigger. Not much just maybe another 4 or 5 rows to the terracing. Suppose it would be dictated by cost though.
  14. While we are talking about stealing from Morton, do they have any players we fancy taking.
  15. Think the 17 signings thing has been ridiculous, it was exciting during the summer and most of us bought into it but it was too many new players too many of whom don't look good enough so far. I hope McKinnon looks at the squad, keeps the players he wants and gets shot of the dross. Even if he adds a couple in January and does likewise in the summer to build a squad capable of challenging at the top of the table. Even though we have only played 4 games I have pretty much written of this season already. I would be ecstatic if McKinnon can get us mid table but 8th would do for me given our current position.
  16. They will be onto McD's at Earlsgates to trawl their CCTV to see if Ray stopped off for a large double cheeseburger meal before heading back to Greenock to tell them he was sacking their minging dump for the land of milk and honey.
  17. Morton fan on twitter has asked Zak Rudden if it was Ray McKinnon who took him to Falkirk on Friday night and what time was he contacted. These c***s are unbelievable.
  18. Wasn't impressed with Petravicius on Monday with the reserves. Looks like it could be another Harris situation with him come the summer. Mind you new manager/fresh start, he will get the same support as the rest of the players if the gaffer plays him.
  19. Don't really think he could say anything else to be honest. We are bottom because the players have been poor. Got to hope he can keep us in touch until he can get those out he doesn't want and players in he does. Not the best situation to be in having to do another squad shuffle but it is what it is.
  20. See that Barry Smith has handed his resignation in at Raith Rovers. Strange that as they are going quite well. I was driving past Cappielow yesterday and saw him coming out. Wonder what he was doing there.
  21. Did you make that patter up all by yourself [emoji44]
  22. The man and Falkirk FC are clearly as honest as the day is long. I just love the fact that I support a club that can show respect for other clubs and keep their cool when others around are clearly losing their's.
  23. Thought McKinnon came across well in the interview and seems to have come out of this with a lot of dignity despite what the Morton fans and chairman say. For us we have to get behind him no matter how it goes until January. We don't want to be chopping and changing managers every 5 mins and we have to remember it is Hartley's fucked up squad that he is trying to build a team out of. Any fans booing if things aren't going right in the coming months really need to f**k up.
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