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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Is there money involved as well. Surely £200k coming our way should just about cover it.
  2. I pretty much agree with this. Ever the optimist though I am hoping and praying that Hartley has been the problem and not all the players are gash. Clutching at straws I guess. Also hoping that if a new manager is announced today the club have been in dialogue with them re signings and we could get a couple of players in before the deadline.
  3. I don't know how to copy actual tweets off twitter but Dennon Lewis has tweeted this Time to fight for everyone involved in the club #COYB [emoji170] Lets see the fight on the park
  4. It will be interesting to see just how bad our squad really is under a new manager. We and I include myself in this have written the majority of them off but surely to f**k you can't be on Chelsea and Brighton's books and look like you have never seen a football before. I pray to f**k that the issue has been Hartley and not the players and some of them actually turn out to be okay.
  5. Bitter w**k posted and bitter w**k liked post. A pair of bitter wanks.
  6. I would be quite happy to hear it many times during 90mins if it became our goal song.
  7. Doo doo doo doo doo doo That song drives me nuts but my nieces 9 month old seems to love it [emoji16]
  8. I want someone in who can bring us all together for one common purpose, to see our team do better. We are a notoriously fickle support but do well for us, put a team on the park that will fight for us and by f**k we will get behind you. I'm no great lover of TFS but we have all seen the place rocking when the team have given us something to get vocal about. Whether its players, staff, fans we need a manager to come in and get everyone pulling in the same direction towards the progression of Falkirk FC. Make the experience of going to The Falkirk Stadium a positive one again.
  9. No way do I want us to replace one Dick in the dugout with another.
  10. I thought our motto was Expect the Unexpected not Expect the absolutely f*cking ridiculous.
  11. Dick fucking Campbell, even the thought of this gives me the fear.
  12. I don't want him but if we do end up with him do we revolt and get on his case or give him a chance and back him to get us out of this mess. Jim McIntyre would be my first choice and I hope we get him.
  13. Hope to f**k he has been in at the club shop getting a beach towel for the long holiday he is going on.
  14. I think we all have to be realistic with the new manager and thank our lucky stars if they manage to keep us in the Championship.
  15. Who ever we get they aren't going to please all of us. The main thing is the majority of us called for Hartley to go so whoever we get we have to back them and give them a chance to turn this shit around.
  16. I very much doubt it after Saturday but I will be very interested to see if we get any form of improvement from any of these new players under a new manager.
  17. Tommy Robson didn't do much wrong against the young Rangers and should have played on Saturday.
  18. Wouldn't want that moody b*****d. He would moan about the batter in Benny T's
  19. I wonder if they have acted quickly to give someone else a chance before the window closes. They would need to be quick with recruitment though. I don't see how they can advertise the job as football manager as we have virtually f**k all footballers for someone to manage.
  20. Get in there, this has brightened my mood [emoji16][emoji16]
  21. Watson was better than the shite we have replaced him with.
  22. Reserves horsed 4 nil by Aberdeen. Honking time for us Bairns but we will be back, just don't know when.
  23. I agree with this, Russell was fine against the young **** at RB and Robson done well at LB that night. Get them in with McGhee and one other in the middle. Find it difficult to pick between Dallison, Harrison and Muirhead.
  24. I've got tattoos, not quite a sleeve yet and I am left footed which Hartley seems to like. I am 52 soon but I still think I could show more heart and put in a better performance than that mob yesterday.
  25. Think it's down to the fact you can attract better players and get more media attention. You are probably right though nnd we are looking at the top flight with rose tinted specs because we have been nearly 10 years away from it. I remember our last few seasons were shite trying to stay up. I think the worry for Falkirk fans is in the past couple of seasons we seem to be getting further away from challenging and we are watching the same turgid stuff you describe trying to stay in the Championship.
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