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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Place was mobbed, must have been a good few hundred. They had to get in extra seats. Mckinnon came across really well. Thinks he needs 8 in during January but said it will be difficult as that window is very difficult to deal in. Tommy Robson and Lewis Kidd haven't been getting played as they haven't been showing up well in training. McKinnon stated he has a big scouting network and isn't ruling out signing players from anywhere including the highland league !!! We currently have a right back at the club that they are assessing. We have no debt and have cash in the bank due to cutting our monthly running costs from £100k to £49k. Have explored the possibilities of buying the stadium from the council. Project Brave/SFA was the reason the academy was scrapped. Planning permission in for further 4g pitch at east end of ground. Once this goes down they will limit games on the stadium pitch. A new Football board is being set up consisting of manager, assistant and a director of football type dude that they are actively looking for just now to make sure there is scrutiny of signings as they admitted this summer was a massive f**k up. There was loads more but I'm quite elderly (52) and have a piss poor memory.
  2. From what I am being told they are fans who have followed the club for years. The type of people who have the club at heart and exactly who we want on our board.
  3. Do we still have youth teams that have anything at all to do with the club. Not having any knowledge on laddies football or how it is run if we don't this seems totally wrong for a so called community club. When I was a boy all I wanted to do was play for Falkirk. If we have no youth set up what so ever how do we attract local youngsters to come to us. For a youngster supporting a club that one day you might play for is a big thing although a tiny percentage will ever do that.
  4. How many are going tonight. I am definitely going and am hoping to have a few points cleared up. Main one for me is who made the decision to scrap the youth academy and follow this current model, what ever the f**k it is called.
  5. What about fans sitting in a big truck or in a hot tub in the space at the back of the goals. That would be a cracking idea.
  6. This grass stuff is causing injuries all over the shop. No place for it in top flight football.
  7. Collum has made 2 decisions so far and got both wrong !!
  8. Morton fans can we not just draw a line under this and leave it until the powers that be make a decision. Leave us to wallow in our shite season and come back the next time we play each other. Who knows maybe by then we might have some actual real football players.
  9. Too right If there is a club that the authorities love screwing over it's us. Shower of c***s.
  10. Liquidation won't happen pal. We have saved our club before, paying back every penny the club owed unlike many others. If it came to it our fan base would rally round and save the club again. We wouldn't let our club die.
  11. Need to have faith that McKinnon will bring in better players than we currently have (shouldn't be difficult) or we are fucked. Doesn't matter where they come from or what level they have played at. McKinnon is getting them in on trial and looking at them before decisions are made not trusting some scout/agent called Mitchell. If McKinnon gives players a deal we need to give them a chance.
  12. I propose we narrow the pitch at TFS. It worked at Alloa so f**k it, we are shite and desperate times need desperate measures.
  13. I have a real fear about today. Our players surely to f**k had it drilled into them how much the Pars game meant to us and they gave a "gutless couldn't give a f**k" performance. Morton players will be up for the fight big time today and I don't think our squad of shite has a fight in them. I pray to God I am wrong but I fear a drubbing.
  14. 100% this We have all had a moan recently and quite rightly so as the football has been shite but give credit where it's due. The board are at least making funds available for Ray to bring players in and their has definitely been improvement in some of the players. I have more confidence now that we can avoid the drop.
  15. Well said. Anything at this stage is worth a try.
  16. Loads and loads of Falkirk fans in Grangemouth. One Celtic bus leaves the town now and as far as I know a Rangers bus from The Ship. Think a lot of younger folk are choosing to follow the Bairns rather than the ugly sisters. I have a daughter in her early 20's and a lot of her pals support us. Grangemouth always has had a strong FFC support. Maybe the reason they moved the stadium to the town [emoji23][emoji23]
  17. Think what Stainrod is alluding to is those that travel from all over Scotland to follow the ugly sisters purely through religious/sectarian affiliations. I wouldn't add Hibs or Hearts into that category. It would be a more balanced playing field if the other clubs had the same kind of following as Celtic and Rangers but it's never going to happen. The media fixation with the Old Firm doesn't help either but then they are just feeding the masses which you can't blame them for U suppose.
  18. So we are basically the only ones getting the shaft.
  19. Are there any other clubs in Scotland who have built new stadiums in the same position as us in relation to paying high rental costs.
  20. Still quite a lot though that could help the yearly squad budget
  21. True I suppose, if we have them in for just a month can they play or is it only reserves.
  22. Maybe, FH website saying McKinnon looking to bring in other free agents to freshen up squad and we have 2 currently on trial. Poster on FB who must be a taxi driver saying he has been dropping off a young black striker at the stadium who is on trial but doesn't know his name. Someone suggested he ask.
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