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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. Hope young Max Kucheryav does well for you guys next season. He was brilliant for us and shone when others hid in the latter part of our season. He is such a confident young lad who always looked for the ball and very rarely gave it away. Good luck next season, I hope he gets plenty game time for you.
  2. He was only with us for a short time but I hope the guy goes on and has a fantastic career. His attitude was spot on and he shone when others around him hid, best of luck to him.
  3. Am I reading this right, they are playing their home games at Lesser Hampden until September and then moving to the main Hampden Park for the rest of the season, wtf. We can’t complain though when you look at the amount of times the powers that be in Scottish football have bent over to help us
  4. I’ve been in Stuart Kennedy’s company a few times at nights out as I’ve got connections through my in-laws to him with him being a Grangemouth boy and I always found him to be quite sound. I can only just remember him at Falkirk, but I always felt he was destined for much higher things and was off as soon as he got his chance which was fair enough. You have to wonder though how many Scotland caps he would have got if Danny McGrain hadn’t been about.
  5. Unlucky Thistle, not much of a consolation but I thought you were the better side over the two legs. Doolan looks a good manager who can build on what you have done this season. Everybody and their Aunty piles into our thread to abuse us regularly so I know how it feels to be on the end of it.
  6. Looking at what the ugly sisters pocket in comparison to the rest it’s no wonder we don’t have a competitive top flight.
  7. We’re blue we’re white and everything is shite
  8. Folks it GTF day and yet again we are left behind. Last year was definitely a bit of an improvement on the previous season. We are pretty much split on the management team but it is what it is and they are who we are going into next season with. We have new signings to look forward too and our cracking new strips will be out soon things have been a bit negative on here recently which I suppose has been understandable given the debacle of the last few months of the season. I am optimistic for next season, don’t ask me why but I just am. Let’s give whoever we sign a chance and get behind the management team, until mid September anyway.
  9. Not surprised by that, I was shocked when they signed him.
  10. White with gold is probably in my top 3 Falkirk shirts ever along with the Hummel shirt that won the Podcast poll and the yellow 1970’s Bukta kit.
  11. Totally agree, strip is a side issue in all of this. Give us a team to get out of League One and they can wear O’Neills bin liners for all I care.
  12. I’m resigned to the fact that no matter what strips O’Neills bring out for us in the next couple of weeks they are getting written off as shite. To be honest I couldn’t give a monkeys what they are like, if we get the right players in and they get us out this league they will be the best strips ever.
  13. That’s actually a nice strip. I think some of the training gear looks nice but then I’m probably in the old man chinos and sandals bracket
  14. Watching the playoffs and big Brian Graham is exactly the type of striker every club needs. Holds the ball up well, puts himself about, excellent in the air and scores goals. His goal tonight was an absolute peach.
  15. He’s too wee, he’ll never amount to anything.
  16. I get what you are saying GB and I agree now Kai has gone he will be important for us. I know it was never an option but out of the two if I had been given a choice I would have preferred to keep Kai. I can’t put my finger on exactly what it is and I have never met the guy but I just can’t take to him. He has something about him that pisses me off, it may be the fact that I sometimes get the feeling that he can’t be arsed and that there is clearly a player in there as at times he can be excellent. As I say though that’s probably why he’s still with us.
  17. I would be ecstatic if a club paid £100k for him just now. I know it’s all about opinions but I honestly don’t think he would be that great in the championship. I could see him being a squad player at best.
  18. Nope, I’m saying that I think League One is his level and if he was better he wouldn’t be at Falkirk.
  19. I’ve never hidden the fact I don’t like Morrison, I know his stats aren’t bad but I just can’t take to him. He misses more chances than he converts, one on one with the keeper then my money more often than not is on the keeper, his decision making isn’t great and his final ball isn’t the best either. I know he’s a fans favourite and he’s probably the best we can get in League One but I think it speaks volumes that this will be his 4th season with us as he has found his level. Football is all about opinions though and if we all felt the same it would be a boring world.
  20. I totally agree, if it was a choice between Kai and Morrison, I would take Kennedy.
  21. That is worrying looking at the list of signed players.
  22. I agree that we have to hope any new signings coming in are starters.
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