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Posts posted by Burnieman

  1. 4 hours ago, perthmo said:

    To develop even the most basic LL standard ground would cost £200k or more.  

    The obvious location is Venters Park.  Do Cowdenbeath still have a strong relationship with Blue Brazil Boys Club whose ground it is?

    It would need £50k for floodlights, another £50k the for an enclosing fence and maybe £30k for a small 100-seater grandstand.  Dressing room upgrades and extension maybe another £70k.   

    There are no ready-made facilities in Cowdenbeath to walk into.     That ship sailed a decade ago.   Didn't Cowdenbeath have the opportunity to become involved in the revamp of Ochilview Park at Lumphinnans but didn't go for it?

    As for Hill of Beath, what would they gain from sharing with Cowdenbeath other than a dilution of their own identity?


    As an outsider looking in, that would appear to the the best option of a long-term future home.

    Look at what Kelty have done with their ground which was little more than a grass pitch and a pavilion. OK, helped by a sugar daddy but no reason why you can't pursue a link-up with the towns youth teams and develop a basic 3g facility and then add to it with seating, terracing, hospitality etc through time.

    Appreciate it's easy to say, harder to do, but it has to be a better option than a decaying Central Park which you pay through the nose for and dont even own.

  2. 14 hours ago, Jordi1977 said:

    Not seen anything announced from Broxburn yet on this one. Surprised to see him go as it leaves us a wee bit short at the back!

    He hadn't played so far this season, I think recovering from injury, so hopefully this is just to get him some games and he comes back fully fit. Should be a very good player for however long he's at Blackburn... I think a better defender than EoSFL Div 1, so hopefully helps with a promotion push for you guys.


    I see that he also scored on Saturday. Hopefully good for both parties.

  3. 11 hours ago, Spyro said:

    Having 2 teams in the league who's future participation rely on votes from certain other clubs, who's own results don't matter while the opposition's results against them count towards their own league points tally... 

    You know I don't believe there's anything underhand going on, but you can see why the whole thing comes across as a bit strange and is open to abuse

    I can assure you results do matter to these B teams, and no I can't see how "the whole thing" is strange & open to abuse.  These are the largest professional clubs in Scotland, do you seriously think they deliberately field weakened B teams to manipulate results/votes?  🤦‍♂️

    Re the Broomhill result, I saw them in their first match of the season at Broxburn and they were OK but very much a work in progress and a bit weak, it was a whole new team. What I saw on Friday was a much more resilient team who carried a bit of a threat, although Hearts had two goals wrongly ruled out for offside.  Broomhill won't finish bottom and Zander Diamond will get them a bit further up the table IMO, as much as I'd like to see them go down.

  4. On 21/09/2024 at 16:28, Spyro said:

    Considering how close the past votes to keep them in the league have been, it's a MASSIVE 3 points in the relegation battle. It could be the difference between the B teams being voted in or not next time it's voted on. The league is a laughing stock and it's a shame, it has great potential but anyone looking in will be wondering why they've left themselves so open to criticism by creating a situation like this


    What situation? looking at the line-up it's probably the strongest they could have fielded in the circumstances.  Pollock went off to Raith Rovers on loan in the week (and scored yesterday) and there's 4 or 5 on the injury list. Jamie MacDonald was also injured so one of the U18 keepers played.

    Doesn't look like Naismith was including any B players in his matchday squads this season.

    Nothing to see here, players leave and teams get injuries.

  5. On 15/09/2024 at 22:04, DiegoDiego said:


    The League 2 average was 596 last season, three clubs had four figure attendances. Are you really fine with having that many folk standing about outside for two hours in the Scottish winter? Remember these clubs regularly play full-time teams in the League Cup as well.

    People stand out is the pishing rain at all games under their umbrellas when there's a nice dry stand or cover available., I'm sure you'll have noticed that.

    Spartans have seating for 700, fowk still stand in the pishing rain on the grass bank behind the goals.  It's human nature.

    Cover for 500 is not required for crowds that barely exceed that.   


  6. Just now, FairWeatherFan said:

    Kinda answering your own question there. Who wants to be standing in the rain in the middle of November. Kinda want to encourage crowds to go to games by offering basic facilities.

    Actually plenty people at games stand out in all weathers regardless of availability of cover, no different from people preferring to stand instead of sit. I'm sure you've seen it yourself.

    I think offering some cover, some seating, all round hard standing and modern toilet/catering facilities covers the basic's.  Having cover which could be more than the actual average crowd is maybe an uneccesary expense.

    It's not all one-way though, perhaps there should be seating at Entry to cater for those who can't stand for 90 minutes.  That would be a good, practical move, even just a small 50 seater stand.  On the flip side cover for 500 at Bronze? for me 100 seats and cover for 100/200 is more than enough alongside the other facilities.



  7. 3 minutes ago, GordonS said:

    I agree with that, but not all of the additional things required for Bronze over Entry are worthwhile. If they were, ambitious clubs would be doing them regardless of licensing, they'd be doing them because they're good things. Having seats and plenty of cover is an obvious good thing and many Entry level clubs have them already. Stand-out in this regard is having a doctor; many clubs have highly qualified and experienced physios who are better at first aid than most doctors, and you can meet the requirement by employing a gynaecologist or a pathologist.

    If the requirement was really an improvement to the health and welfare of players then more clubs would be doing it anyway, I think it the point.

    Agree.  You won't get many clubs going for Bronze as it's a good positive thing to do, they'll only do it if they have to.

    I don't think for example you'll ever see too many at tier 6 going for Bronze unless somehow it ever became a requirement of LL/HL entry.

    It's that which shows that maybe the licence process needs overhauled.

  8. 22 minutes ago, parsforlife said:

    Not sure I agree.  The system is set up so clubs should be aspirational off the pitch and that certain standards should be expected at particular levels of the game.  I think it's worked very well in that regard. Clubs preparing for the next level and still improving themselves if not doing enough for official sign off is also good. 

    Not sure how you would want to change things to avoid that,  do we want 101 categories so clubs can be in very specific levels and we can see just how far everyone is of moving up a level?  Or do we distribute money in such a way that no club funds are used to level up?

    I think the licencing system needs reviewed, and I say that as someone who went through the process of obtaining one for a club as well as several annual audits.

    Entry level is enough for tier 4 and below IMO and should never have been changed to Bronze for L2, do we really need to mandate for 500 covered spectators, or trained safety officers and club doctors etc for crowds that in many cases are not significantly more than HL/LL/EoS Premier/WoS Premier? IMO no. There needs to be a review after a decade of licencing and some common sense applied to where we are and what is realistically required at these levels.

    For example, how often is a licenced safety officer or club doctor required at L2 level, versus lower levels where trained first aiders and physios are deemed sufficient, or the safety officer who has done a basic online course. Why do we need cover for 500 when crowds in L2 are 300-600 in the main?

    The original purpose of licencing was "to improve the playing and spectating experience", but I'm not sure many who sit on the licencing sommittee have a grasp of watching football at that level to understand what is required and what isn't.

    Bronze is more about being a convenient blocker for L2 than anything else really and so we have clubs who only go part way to achieving it and then hold back.  


  9. Just now, Marten said:

    It's not a predictable rant, it's just my honest opinion. But you clearly can't stand people disagreeing with you.

    I will always be against B-teams in first team competitions out of principle and I will never attend a game in a first team competition involving a B-team (not even against my own team, even if my own team are at home) because of that.

    Good for you,  have a greenie 🤦‍♂️

  10. On 11/09/2024 at 15:25, Jordi1977 said:

    Slightly surprised we are the chosen match... but a pleasant surprise.

    Hopefully Dalkeith get a decent number on the gate and Brox get a nice wee boost from tv money.




    A surprise, but good to see the likes of Dalkeith getting their day in the sun.

  11. Just now, Marten said:

    Well, you red dotted me for no reason so I'm doing it back to you, simple. 

    I red dotted your predictable rant about B teams amongst the other shite being posted, you red dotted me on SFA payments and Bronze licences.  As I said, grow up and disappear by to the Junior leagues  🤦‍♂️

  12. Just now, Marten said:

    Only a response to your pathetic red dotting of 2 of my posts in this thread, so I'm getting you back. 

    I never had any issues with you before but you asked for this. 

    You're "getting me back" by red dotting posts that have nothing to do with B teams?  "you asked for this"  f*cking grow up son 😂🤦‍♂️

  13. 3 minutes ago, Burnieman said:

    Those are the usual minimum's, but it some years they've paid as much as £12k to Entry. In recent years there have been a bonus payment on top as a result of Euro qualification and hence more money into SFA coffers.

    Our mad Dutch pal Marten seems to have taken a dislike to my posts and gone on a mad red dotting frenzy. Oddball.

  14. 1 hour ago, parsforlife said:

    The is a very marginal higher payment from the SFA for having a better licence but that money would go quickly vs the higher costs. I think it's entirely sensible to have everything lined up and ready but not committing to the higher costs until needed.

    That's the sensible way to approach it, do the easy/low cost stuff but stop short until it looks like you may have to go for it, which kinda demonstrates that it's not setting out to do what it should be doing if clubs deliberately hold back until absolutely neccesary.

  15. 1 hour ago, JCScouting said:

    Entry level (£4k payment), Bronze (£8k), Silver (£12k), Gold (£15k) or Platinum (£20k). This is from 2020 so guessing the payments have gone up a bit. Someone on here whos a club secretary etc might be able to give updated figures.

    Those are the usual minimum's, but it some years they've paid as much as £12k to Entry. In recent years there have been a bonus payment on top as a result of Euro qualification and hence more money into SFA coffers.

  16. 24 minutes ago, newcastle broon said:

    Yer usually an advocate for not much changes to the Hearts B team 11 every week. Looks like more than a few were made last week going by reports on here. 

    Well if people were concerned they could have a look around the internetty and find out.  Calum Sandilands has a knee injury and presumably is out for a while.   James Wilson was in Spain with Scotland U19's by the looks of it.  Nae idea about Pollock or Tait.  I think there's also another 2 or 3 on long term injury list.

    Looking at the line-up it was consistent with the Gretna one where they were pumped, but no complaints then and yes, Hearts are pretty consistent with their line-ups when everyone is available, amongst the most consistent in the league.

  17. Just now, jimbaxters said:

    Don't know but almost sure it's more than zero.

    But you do know the league takes in £100k from the B teams every season, plus have Parks Motor Group as the headline sponsor via a "five figure deal"?  There's even some Yank sponsoring matchballs.

    Maybe the Cowden guys can tell you how that income is distributed.  I guess the clubs decide what happens to it.

  18. 13 minutes ago, lithgierose said:

    Ok can we talk about teams getting rewarded for failure ?😂 trust trophy

    You're a bad man, haven't we done that one already?

    I don't think we have done the relegation/promotion issue between tier 5 & 6 for a while though.

    Personally I'd like to see a deep dive into Caledonian Braves following that Yanks spearing of them on YT, maybe a doorstepping of Chris Ewing in Paris?

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