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Golden Gordon

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Everything posted by Golden Gordon

  1. If you're going to make a deal with the devil, at least get some legendary blues guitar skills out of it too. You'd need to balance whether bursting the over-confidence of Celtic fans, & the subsequent meltdowns, would be worth the smugness & superiority of Rangers* fans after stopping 'the 10' & being 'back where they belong'. If Aberdeen can't win it, better the devil you know...
  2. BBC reporting that none of their new recruits are eligible to play in the Leverkusen tie.
  3. We're nothing like Hearts, they beat Rangers* the last time they played them. Look where that got them.
  4. I wouldn't get your hopes up. My pessimism generally turns to despair rather than rage.
  5. They may have been overawed at having the opportunity to play against the winners of the prestigious Veolia Cup. Or were still in a state of shock upon hearing that Rangers* had actually won some silverware. But you're right, not much in the way of motivation or application.
  6. Ha ha! Do you think they've got a file on him down Freemasons' Hall??
  7. I've definitely seen us better. If we put in the same level of low energy performance on Saturday, I might start to worry a bit. I'm just hoping that it was down to Rangers* having a better pre-season than we did.
  8. I think so, going by this article: https://www.glasgowlive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/rangers-news-transfers-kai-kennedy-18598149 Yes, you would think that Morelos would be away. As far as I remember, I think he had agreed terms with Lille, but both clubs hadn't agreed on a valuation.
  9. There also seems to be a 'K' missing from the player's name too.
  10. That's some full on post-truth reality sh*t over a replica football shirt. So it's equally true that the shirts are poor quality and being destroyed by Celtic fans. It's moments like these that make me glad I don't support either of the OF*, I don't have the imagination or mental agility for it.
  11. You're right enough, I just thought they were a figment of the OP's fevered imagination!
  12. Yes, I remember Ferguson being played further forward against Burnley in particular & thought he was very promising further up the park. Admittedly we had Shinnie as an option, alongside Hoban/Ball I think, in those deeper midfield roles. We are currently missing a Shinnie/Flood type, who can run & harry all day. My fear is that McInnes will attempt to use Feguson in this role, instead of further forward & his attacking attributes will be under-used.
  13. Dublin Irish United, Belfast Celtic??, The Wednesday, the Harlem Globetrotters? What even is that?
  14. I stopped reading after the guy said he was an Aberdeen & Inverness fan.
  15. Can't imagine anyone connected with Rangers* would have a love of arcane ritual, needless ceremony & false hierarchy. Oh, wait...
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