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Golden Gordon

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Everything posted by Golden Gordon

  1. Let me know if you're up for going out to burn down some 5G masts to put a stop to this shamdemic. I'll also stand firm with you when you refuse to take the vaccine too. Government mind control, if only the sheeple could see through it!
  2. I'm sure he'll have been goaded into it by opposing fans...
  3. I know it's rubbish, that's why I quoted the OP word for word & didn't launch into a diatribe against the SG, because that is not my firmly held belief.
  4. Sturgeon will now destroy Scottish football as she has always planned.
  5. Which gammon topping are you? Answer these quick questions to impress your friends!
  6. Sadly, you can see the financial gulf between Aberdeen & Celtic at play even here. At least the the eight Aberdeen players kept it local & can at best be described as village idiots, but Bolingoli's stupidity can be considered to be at international level. So the difference between Aberdeen & Celtic is that Celtic can attract a better class of idiot.
  7. Can't find anything official Joey. Not sure whether Hoban is match fit or not either.
  8. If there are double standards at play, which other Premiership players should be getting similar levels of scrutiny, so as to redress the balance?
  9. My work here is done. Happy to be the hate figure that unites the both of you again. Just think of me when you're tucking into those golden yolks together.
  10. You'd only have fallen out again over whether it should be topped with fried egg or pineapple.
  11. David Cameron might be able shed some light on that, if the stories are to be believed.
  12. Easy. Just play it up the right wing & there'll be no-one in the box to defend any attack...
  13. Fits the McInnes pattern. Would be interested to see how he does. Likes to take defenders on & has a bit of pace to him.
  14. Same reason that Cantona received scrutiny, had talent but his on field discipline was poor. That sort of thing sells newspapers. Cantona was by far a superior player to Morelos though, just in case anyone takes umbrage at a comparison between the two. However, if Morelos could keep his head, then he wouldn't receive such scrutiny.
  15. Don't forget his occasional Roy Aitken-esque runs up the park, I always enjoy those.
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