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Posts posted by DMCs

  1. 1 hour ago, AJF said:

    2nd stage, I’m on 1502 and it’s my understanding anyone on 1528 and above will be offered a ticket. My only hope is if there are any tickets left over but I won’t be holding my breath 😂

    b*****d that's annoying. You might have a chance. I'd be looking at alternatives though as supposedly our allocation has been reduced to 9.5k due to segregation seats.

  2. 3 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:


    How’s that then?

    If Rangers enter the Champions League group stage by winning the Europa League then who gets Rangers qualifying spot in the Premiership?


    No one. It bumps up some other teams in CL qualifiers. So teams from Serbia or Austria or whatever have slightly easier qualification paths for the CL.

  3. 1 minute ago, Merkland Red said:

    Keane and Diouf were both decent up here, from memory. Diouf strolled a game against Celtic but Brown celebrated in his face after a goal. I think that's a lot of folks lasting memory.

    Diouf was pretty pish to be honest. Only his goal against Sporting Lisbon really stands out. People just look back on that more fondly as we won the league and league cup in the end.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Detournement said:

    No they were Communist militants. I don't think there's any of them in Ukraine at the moment. 

    They were volunteers just like the people in your article are volunteers. Many of them from neighbouring countries like Belarus and even Russia.

    Nothing to do with "contractors".

  5. 10 hours ago, Dons_1988 said:

    He belongs on talksport. I genuinely don’t think he believes that, he just throws out sound bites that he thinks will wind up the right people. 

    It certainly works a lot anyway. Celtic fans seem unable to not bite at his comments as evidenced by this thread. He's our version of Sutton now.

    Give me the Petrovs and McCoists over these kind of pundits.

  6. 17 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:

    Russia has roughly 33 million men of fighting age. At the time of the Crimean war the Russian Empire had about 38 million males in total. You've got this one badly wrong I'm afraid.

    The morale advantage is completely irrelevant to the point I was making.

    And what are those figures relative to their respective opponents of the time? That's the real question rather than the raw numbers.

  7. 3 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:

    Less young men to chuck at it when they have literally double the population?

    It doesn't matter how many grannies they have but how many fighting capable men they have. The age split of the population is very different from in 1850.  Not to mention that the Ukrainians have a morale advantage. Their young people are much more desperate to fight in their defensive war than Russians are happy to invade Ukraine.

    3 hours ago, LongTimeLurker said:

    Think they've wised up a bit after columns of tanks were caught on camera driving straight through their border posts on their way to cities like Kiev, Kherson and Melitopol on the first day of the war. Wouldn't be surprised if Transnistria gets dealt with before this is all over but the Ukrainians have way too much on their plate in the Donbas right now to be in a position to even think about opening up a new front.

    From what I've read Transnistra could barely put up a day's fight. The army Russia has there isn't serious in the slightest. It's basically a drunk holiday destination for Russian soldiers. They have no serious equipment.

  8. 17 minutes ago, DiegoDiego said:
    1 hour ago, DMCs said:
    I don't think there is a hope in hell that Russia genuinely mobilises. It would be a political disaster for them and would be no guarantee of a victory at all considering how much time it would take to get the men to the front lines.

    That makes sense, but it didn't stop them in Crimea (back in 18whateveritwas). They chucked half a million soon to be dead bodies at it despite being technologically inferior and got skelped.

    Vastly different demographic situation. Russia is now a much older country and has less young men to chuck at it. Plus it's generally the young Russians living in major cities that are most opposed to the war. Which is why their current invasion force has more ethnic minorities and folk from the economically struggling peripheries as they have less economic options and they tend to be younger than the population at large.

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