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Posts posted by rowsdower

  1. Apart from death and taxes the one sure thing in life is that Motherwell will be be cheating time wasting  c***s. 
    The sooner they disappear like morton the better.
    Surely the spl can find a better source for refs than the clown school
    Death, taxes, and so called big teams expecting the likes of us to lie down to them, then spitting the dummy when we don't oblige.

    We gave you six extra minutes to score a goal, and we ended up having more chances than you, maybe ask St Johnstone how it's done.
  2. Hammell looks like he could stare someone to death, Las look like everyone's pal.

    I think the problem Lasley had last time was that he was the assistant when everything was going wrong for Robbo, so he had some of that still attached to him.

    Hammell has been hands on with the academy for a while, so insulated from the first team stuff, so it feels like the best of both worlds, with someone who knows us inside out but still brings a freshness.

    An experienced manager (that we can legitimately get) brings their own risks, they might take time to assess the squad and adjust to the league, etc. They'd also be ripe for criticism from us due to the failures they likely had that brought them into our candidate pool.

  3. I'm happy for Hammell, and I'm glad we went through the proper process rather than just handing it to him, as we've seen with lasley before, no one is guaranteed the job. I think the majority of us will be desperate for him to succeed, and I get more of a manager vibe from him than Las ever had (prob doesn't mean anything).

    As intriguing as Simo was, as far as former players go, Hammell eclipses him in what he's done for the club, he just happens to still be here so isn't as shiny. I think we've probably seen the last of Simo applying though.

    I can understand why some may see this as a less than exciting appointment, which I get since half the fun of football is new players and managers, but there's also a section of our support that would have been ragin either way.

    I think this is a good appointment in the short term, since he's already done his homework on what we need, and knows our league. The risk of outsiders is you can end up with Baraclough types that just don't know the league, and they sign the wrong players. Long term could be interesting.

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