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Posts posted by rowsdower

  1. Don't see anything wrong with what Kelly said there. You saw the state of Twitter, fb, and heard the fans on Thursday. A large group of fans turned against GA a while ago, and it was definitely toxic, so I don't blame him if that was a deciding factor.

    It is funny that there are folk that have been giving him dogs abuse for the best part of a year now clutching their pearls because a tiny bit of criticism has come their way.

  2. I heard a rumour there's a board meeting late on today. Apparently he'll be gone by the morning and Slattery will step up as caretaker till they find a replacement. 
    I heard the same one, but the meeting was this morning, and Nick Daws was asked to find a new manager from his fancy recruitment chat group, but that fell through when the board found out that it was Facebook marketplace. Now the media team have been called back to take pictures of Stuart McCall at the Aquatec.
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