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Posts posted by rowsdower

  1. Hammell is right about the penalties, although those were before we eventually scored anyway. He is also not hiding the fact that Alexander really fucked us, which makes it even more frustrating that we didn't take action in the summer.

    Morris and Sheilds were caught on their heels way too often, while Efford would react well and then totally f**k it. Spittal was also miles off the pace.

    I thought Morris might be just adjusting to the pace of our game, but I think he's actually toast. At best he could function in a midfield role, but he's not a forward. Has he had a shot?

    I expect that we'll bring in a bunch of loans in the next couple of weeks, is there a limit to how many we can have?

  2. Before the game Hammel hadn't worked with the first team. So no surprise about lineup. Next week hopefully see a different style of play/formation assume Hammel still in charge. Add into that Lamie suspended Slattery back mcginn possibly injured SOD back and confidence boost of winning and st Johnston opponents. In my head I know expect boring shit game with ref blowing for a foul every time there is almost contact but heart we're going to win the league. Mon the the well 
    Yep, but Slattery is banned next week too.
  3. Duncan Ferguson and Kevin Thomson are the 2 names mentioned previously that stand out for me. Other than them I really struggle to think who it could be.
    We couldn't afford his wages but Tony Mowbray was a name I thought of and he is currently out of a job after leaving Blackburn. Everyone knows about his disastrous time at Celtic but his Hibs team were good and I wondered if he'd fancy another crack at Scottish football but as I said it's highly unlikely we'd be able to offer him anything close to what he'd want and I doubt he'll be short of offers from the English lower leagues in the coming months.
    Why Thomson?

    Duncan Ferguson would be interesting, but mainly for the non football stuff, no one knows if he's any good as a manager. I doubt we could afford him, and I assume he'd want the kind of budget we can't manage.
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