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Posts posted by rowsdower

  1. I'd totally forgot about that masters trip, that was fun. I also went to the trial for their team, but I guess they forgot to call me back. I mind in the early days when we were in the middle of the Falkirk stadium fiasco, sitting on Wtfc.net all day, with a nice view of said stadium from my office, which was filled with fuming Falkirk fans. 

    Compost corner used to be good fun, but it's just good for the pan breid thread now 🙂 @Al B 's contribution to the music thread actually got me into a few new bands. 

  2. I've been on SO since day1. It's funny that it was created to counteract the negativity of firparkcorner, but I don't think it's as bad as it's made out to be, particularly compared to the well fans facebook sequels. Some folk are going to be negative no matter what, but it's a nice replacement for the cooper stand during exile. 

    Half the folk on here are on SO too, watching the OTF and supermarv running battle across both is fun 🙂 I think they're the same person.


  3. I'd love for us to get another year out of Campbell. He's going through a slump in form right now, but with the amount of games he's had that's inevitable. Teams are learning how to deal with him too. However, I imagine there is no shortage of clubs looking at him that can multiply what he's getting paid at us, and the change of scenery may be just what he needs for his development. As such, I'm looking forward to us getting screwed out of our development fee again. 

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