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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Of by some twist of fate Vaughan is fine I would still like to try and recruit Gullan.he fits well into how we want to play, he knows the players players the club and he is a decent player.
  2. I disagree the stella chalice gives the most head. Not just on T but any other lagers on there. Gree
  3. Anyone that age who even considers going to a nightclub is for the watching. Never mind that fucking reptile.
  4. Pre chill it in the fridge saves loads of time. You don't need all that other shite that's in there anyway.
  5. It's potentially the third ACL on one leg. With the best will in the world you wouldn't want to come back from that just to be crippled by a part time labourer.
  6. I get we rely on volunteers for certain things and that us the reality of our situation. However there are certain things that should be run by the club especially where revenue is concerned. For example what is the situation with the club shop? We seem to just about have enough replica kits despite last year's selling out but we have little else. An example of this is the leisurewear, various items have sold out in the common/all sizes. I have seen that the players have had navy and red training kit on but you can't buy these. It would make sense if we are going to order limited amounts and they do sell well to try and pull the same trick again.
  7. The fact finding cultural visit to the hostelries of Fife has come to an end. Back on the perfect draft at home and the difference between pub and machine is negligible really.
  8. The cause of it is fair enough these things happen. That said there will still be a lot of scrutiny around the decision making on the evening.
  9. Lady T had her way with me last night on at the least 7 occasions but I suspect there were more. This morning I have risen from the experience feeling less than radiant. I have scattered recollections of a care free evening, a large amount of loose change, some rather wet trainers and a bus ticket. The latter answers the mystery of how the good lady got me home.
  10. Sim was k107 earlier and the early prognosis is that there was a sizeable power surge which blew out the new main box that was just fitted. He said parts of the main stand were fine and the floodlights managed to come back on so it's possibly the mysteries of an ancient stadium with years of (questionable) upgrades and maintenance.
  11. This has got a Tuesday night in February written all over it. Only to be postponed due to some inclement weather totally unexpected at that time of year.
  12. This is going to rumble on in a a finger pointing blame game between the referee, the club and the police as to why this fiasco was allowed to even begin and on who's say so. Rovers have taken some stick recently in terms of output and pricing. This is an opportunity to buy some invaluable pr with the rematch. I'm not expecting much.
  13. The club would like to apologise to everyone impacted by the abandonment of tonight’s fixture. This was due to an electrical issue which, as of yet, is unresolved. Electrical engineers are still looking to identify the root cause of why the power failure affected certain areas of the stadium. It was due to this power issue that floodlights, fire alarms, smoke alarms, stand and concourse lighting as well as electrical supply into parts of the ground failed. The Police Scotland Match Commander decided that in the interest of Public Safety that the game could not continue. A full investigation between the SFA, SPFL, football club, stewarding company and Police Scotland is ongoing. Further information including rescheduling of the fixture will be provided in due course. We appreciate your patience and understanding at this time for what has been a difficult evening for everyone. This is the statement from the club. So this is saying that a match went ahead when essential safety systems and lighting were not working and they knew they were not working. The actual f**k.
  14. This was my eldests first ever game. To say she's bemused is an understatement.
  15. Absolutely this, the match commander has fucked this game entirely. If the power was out in the stands after the floodlights went out the game should never have started. If there was a major incident in those 15 minutes you'd have 2 thousand folk trying to get out in the dark colliding with 3 or 400 trying to get in. They let everyone out of the ground at the same time despite it being a Derby and everyone is now pissed off. Sure enough all the bams turned up in front of the main stand as the large home crowd was exiting. To add to this there were no cops anywhere near this. The vans were up the road and there were a handful on foot at the corner of links street. Because they've utterly fucked this bit up you're shitebag element have drifted into the links to carry on and the police are now chasing their tails.
  16. More pints. One day I will take a photo before I've tore into them.
  17. Never been called up, however if/when I do my view is whatever trial has manged to get that far despite everything the pf/cps has thrown at it so provided the judge is letting it run the fucker has done something.
  18. There are some very strange decisions coming out of the club currently, but going after disabled fans because they are not disabled enough is utterly fucking pathetic. As for Bill Clark I remember when Nicola Sturgeon came to Starks Park to speak to the girl's team. His introduction of her was reminiscent of a patronising uncle at a family occasion making an arse of himself.
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