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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Christmas vacation 7/10. Not seen it for years and didn't realise Mrs Griswold was such a milf back in the day.
  2. Finished the ripper, it was interesting and there was new information in it even for a well known series of murders. I didn't know he kept going back to the unfound bodies or rearranged the women and contents of their handbags. He was escalating and growing as a killer getting more brazen as time went by. That feminist was a boot and should just get in the sea. Pretty much sums up policing, the cops on the street carrying out the groundwork were on the right track but upper management knew better and cost women their lives. The £5 note was the key and although they would need to make presumptions it should have been the focus of their investigationo along with the tyre tracks and the size 7 feet. Oh and lets not forget the living victims giving descriptions including his accent.
  3. If hendry goes to another championship team let him run down the clock. If it's anywhere else cash in early. We won't go down now and we won't go up so prize money will not be dramatic.
  4. One of the great managers of Scottish football, would have probably won more had ferguson not been around at the time.
  5. Can't beat a classic. Sometimes the simpler the better they go with anything.
  6. It's a liquid one in a syringe you just have to skoosh it on his mouth. He's pretty good with stuff like that still a 2 man job mind.
  7. I got some anti perspirent cream for my bollocks and a t-shirt with Stark's Park on it. I don't think the 2 are related.
  8. They are absolutely cracking. I think its a better repro than the cup final one and without sleeves the size of sails it hasn't aged that much.
  9. He's back after a night at the vets/private hotel. With a prescription and 2 shaved legs. Massive improvement and he's cutting about the place like a returning war hero.
  10. Had it back at the beginning and exactly that it ruined me physically. I used to run at least 3 miles sometimes up to 6 about 3 or 4 times a week. After this thing it took me months to get back to it. Take it easy you will get through it.
  11. Those inflation kits are pish and they ruin the tyre which might have been repairable. Wheel changing should just be a life skill
  12. My boy is dehydrated and has a high temperature. They've given him an injection some sort of anti viral and he's having a night's b&b at the vets to watch him.
  13. That's shite mate the house will feel empty fir a while. Ours is at the vets at the minute he's off his food, not been out and his eyes look drained. Hoping its nothing serious.
  14. Sutcliffe one is decent. Half way through and it is doing all the killings in order and goes into quite a bit of detail. Such as he rearranged the bodies after killing them and he kept going back to them when they weren't found. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but the police had enough to catch him after they discovered the fiver and 2 survivors came forward.
  15. Fucking real shame that. I used to work in pubs and ate/stole hundreds of packets. I regret nothing. I haven't seen them in years though, crisps are just getting a bit generic meh.
  16. There's a video on twitter of the police pulling a battered body out a dumpster.
  17. He looks like a true legend of the cat scene.
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