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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. I think hendry will think carefully about his move and it won't be determined by wages alone otherwise would never have come to the rovers. Can zanatta or connolly play as a striker? Think we need a central midfielder and 1 forward of some description then mcglynn can do his usual dip into the loan market. Wonder if he'll be signing from the English lower leagues again? Frankie was a success. Duku panned out as we were warned. Ugwu I felt was useful and would have kept. So it was worth while last season taking a chance.
  2. I'm not really aware of anyone else that was in for him. Good to see him stay though he's been decent for us. I think this is a big season for Tait to cement his place in the middle and push on.
  3. Good showing and about fair. Just a pity 2 of the 3 are away.
  4. I think we will see more of a traditional mcglynn approach next season on the pitch. He's got good defensive options and will look to make us hard to beat and will keep it tight. That said I'm sure we will still play a bit it just might be a bit more conservative and be a slow build up of possession from the back line.
  5. The only people who want a return to 9 to 5 are city centre land Lords and pret. WFH at least 50% of the time is here to stay. Now that parents will no longer be home schooling at the same time productivity will/ should be on the up. That's not to mention all the usual distractions of a conventional workplace and the aggrivation, stress and cost of commuting. Some places will potentially never go back.
  6. Right that's me 10 day's into jag number 2. So by all rights I am as safe as I ever will be, there is nothing more can be done to protect myself or protect the rest of the world from me. Let's stop fucking about and accept that most people will live through this thing with little more than mild flu symptoms once we are all fully dosed. Most of the people dying from it now have some other fairly serious medical condition or are the size of a bus. In both cases if it isn't covid that gets them it will enivitably be something else.
  7. Anyone I the know if we are expecting any more unveilings today?
  8. They've been changed already, in fairness its a common cheap fix but hasn't done the trick this time.
  9. For f**k sakes rovers, you don't announce a shitty season ticket renewal and then a meh to poor signing immediately afterwards. You bury a shitty season ticket renewal during a blockbuster (re) signing of a quality player.
  10. Better no be unveiling one of the pca's we've known about for 6 months.
  11. My 8 year old astra is getting it's mot on Thursday. So far it's a preemptive set of rear pads due the current ones squealing like f**k, 2 new rear springs due to one being snapped and an oil change. I've also still got a knocking on the front at low speeds which I'm sure will be the shocks as everything else on the suspension looks solid. This b*****d needs to be trouble free for the next year to 18 months when it's getting chucked in for something new and very shiny on finance.
  12. It looks a solid signing and probably worth a 2 year deal as he's proven at this level. That's GK and defence sorted the big question is the midfield and then we need to add at least 1 forward but I think mcglynn will exploit the loan market as he usually does.
  13. Ffs do not risk Tierney in this.
  14. What is the deal with O'Neil using adidas templates and 3 stripes on their stuff?
  15. I don't think they will sell them so pretty much everyone of those glasses will be stolen from pubs.
  16. So we are sorted for Goalkeepers. Defenders apart from a lb but Musonda can cover although it's a bit of a waste. Midfielders we are waiting on hendry and spencer to sign. This is such a key position I hope we have something lined up as hendry is a long shot but I do think spencer will sign on again. This is where we will have to spend money. Wingers we have added Zanatta but lost Armstrong. This is prime for a loan signing. Forwards really need one more here but I think again McGlynn will opt for a loan signing.
  17. Just seen the highlights, f**k me that was a very good showing from a cobbled together side. The best move of the whole match then involved Dykes hitting it straight at the keeper. Tierney is imperious can you give a centre half a free role to do what he wants? It was never a free kick. We lost the man for the first goal. Turnball slotted right into the team. But most of all we passed about really well high up the park and I don't think the Dutch expected anything like that from us. I would use the Luxembourg game to get players who need it fitness.
  18. I take it all the contracts have now expired and the glut of new signings will commence across the leagues.
  19. There is something to be said for this building a team of proven players at this level who have been there or there abouts with promotion.
  20. After a near death experience following dose 1 of the AZ. I can report that dose 2 had absolutely no ill effects other than I slept really well last night.
  21. In all due respect to the player we are signing a left back so short of kieron Tierney rocking up amd declaring his love for the roverswe are not going to spunk the budget on this signing. Perhaps mcglynn is saving his pennies for a striker or more likely a midfielder.
  22. That's me double jagged now, just waiting on the hangover tomorrow. Then I'll be fucking invincible so get these restrictions to f**k.
  23. Army of the dead. 7/10 Ot was a bit long but I enjoyed it, the opening credits of Vegas going full on zombie was great. Big Dave has real acting chops who knew a netflix zombie film would show them off.
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