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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. For what it's worth a fiesta is an infinitely better car than a corsa
  2. I think Macdonald has been with his weight in gold this season and has consistently played well and contributed going forward. Hendry is a touch of class but had that injury although his goal in the semi final is my pick of the season.
  3. I agree. I think Bowie was an absolute find, in no small part due to his physicality but Tait is a more skillful and clever player
  4. When are we getting the trophy so Roary Rover can be driven round Falkirk in an open top bus with it.
  5. B and M is a source of Tennents lager in darkest Englandshire, although not all stores are licensed to sell drink. Where I reside there are 2 stores one is licensed and one is not. Those who hate the T can f**k off
  6. Catching up on a few of the latest ones. I never knew you could get an escort Cosworth in the states also tempted by an older M3
  7. I had that set, well not the whole set I got the van which came with B A but never really got the others. They were the same size as GI Joe or some similar thing.
  8. Some of them are alright when theres a story comes out of it but it's usually the same old "who's your favourite player" type stuff
  9. Closed doors with some sort of virtual season ticket to watch online is the only option. Clubs will not survive without playing games and neither will players without having a job.
  10. In my opinion not enough diy shopping boomers are being struck down. I'm not wishing them dead bit of a fair few of them got a dose they might wise up a bit.
  11. I don't think there's a chance in hell of effectively managing social distancing for a year.
  12. Finished tiger king, f**k me what a bunch of psychos. I did like the guy who was a drug runner in episode 1 or 2 but was never seen after that.
  13. Had the same battle my friend took a while to source one though
  14. Just on the schools thing in england they dont finish for summer until the last week of July. I would expect they will go back even if it is only for 6 weeks of the summer term. Not trying to act the c**t here in any way but the only silver lining in this is that it isn't killing children apart from those with serious underlying issues. It doesn't seem to have affected them anywhere near as much as adults/the elderly.
  15. I think this reconstruction will collapse in a heap once everyone starts demanding things. I would expect more spl clubs to get very worried about tv deals. Lower leagues are even tighter for cash and won't want anything that's going to push them over the edge.
  16. I think in about a months time they will start to open the schools again, then they'll get people back to work who still have a job to go to. We'll all have to wear masks in public (f**k knows where we're meant to get any) and the at risk groups will be kept at home/shielded. In a round about way and by another name there will be deemed to be an acceptable percentage of people contracting it and dying off. The world can only stay paused for so long plus it's the Tories. Wouldn't be surprised at that point if there is some creative accounting with death figures and a lot of "pneumonia" related deaths.
  17. I am in a position that I have a full head of thick hair which due to the lack of hair dressing facilities has gone wild. I am now considering a full on mohawk like something out of mad max. The only issue is I'm still working and I sometimes have to visit people during a distressing time. The last thing they will be expecting is the road warrior to stroll in and break the news that someone's died.
  18. Get the new contract/extensions sorted asap for the current players we want to keep then we'll just have to tread through the minefield that will be the transfer window just like every other club.
  19. I agree with the sentiment of promote teams but scrap the championship. Player's will be disappointed but it is (hopefully) a one off where there really is a lot more going on in the world.
  20. If that went through just for arguments sake it would make league 1 too close to call next season.
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