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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Liz doing her bit for this lockdown to get the nation through
  2. McGlynn has gone proper radge. Hobbling on with a 400 year old Davo as defensive cover and 15 strikers on the books.
  3. Charlie Adam looks like he's at the walking football. Abraham has a very nice touch and will be a real asset. Kennedy has a bright future far too good for this level. Tumulty has scored a ridiculous goal there. Been a good week really 6 points from 9, Vaughan has played and we have brought in some real quality on loan.
  4. Mine has just cost the insurance company the best part of 1500 quid now. He has been ill and lethargic not meowing or purring and not eating which is really out of character. He is a great big Tom solid muscle as well he used to do 5 pouches a day and biscuits. Turns out he has an issue with one of his kidneys so he's had ultra sounds and countless blood tests. 4 visits to the vets with a 3 day stay on one occasion. They are trying him on a mixed renal food diet see if that works if not it'll be an op. Added to this he was back in this week as he has some sort of infection and now has 10 days worth of antibiotics to deal with. At least he's back eating a little bit and he bawled me out this morning for his breakfast not being ready. He's got to go back again for more tests next week to see how he's getting on.
  5. Take the door card off and fish it out. In all likelihood its a little plastic tab thats failed
  6. I think some of you are a bit grumpy because its January and you just need a wee holiday in the sun.
  7. I'm not to bothered about getting turned over here it was to be expected. My issue is hendry has fucked it here. Neither Duku or Vaughan have 90 minutes in them and the midfield will have to work even harder now. Without mentioning the 2 upcoming matches and we already have a few injuries.
  8. Vaughan will be the second coming or the other unmentionable thing will happen again.
  9. I think fitness will be an issue with the lay off from covid and playing 99 minutes yesterday. I'm more interested in the pars game.
  10. I've just woke up for my nightshift, wtf has happened at tynecastle.
  11. That's him back from the vets again after a 3 day stay. He went just before Xmas where he had fluids but this time he's had ultrasounds and allsorts. Essentially one of his kidneys is a bit fucked, he is going onto a renal food diet and he might need surgery but it's just a case of wait and see.
  12. Write off exams and pretty much a good bit of the curriculum. I have a 9 and a 5 year old being home schooled. I work shifts 4 on 4 off when it's a week day I'm their unqualified teacher trying to split my time between the 2 of them as well as all the other shite from day life and keeping them away from my wife who is working at home. When I'm at work my wife has even less time to give to their education. We are not the only ones struggling with this and realistically when the kids go back they are going to all be at different stages of where they need to be.
  13. Couldn't tell you but I think it is done on your nhs number as they go through a load of questions about the ingredients and allergies.
  14. Here in darkest Englandshire the hospital staff are grabbing folk who are there at night and jabbing them with left over vaccine from that day. Police up there with prisoners fir example.
  15. Anyone who is still after a 95 shirt copa still have them on their site.
  16. This. I can't watch the original without thinking Daniel is a complete fanny.
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