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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. I had this thing in March and there still traces of it lingering on. I occasionally wheeze and my sense of smell is still not right. Don't get me wrong I am healthy but not exactly as before. f**k knows what the long term effects of this thing are.
  2. Watched in 2 days. Still top quite stuff. Thought Johnny was slightly tamer this series with his struggles of modern life. The kreese back story just adds more depth to the whole thing.
  3. I'm considering a pair of those as well still haven't decided on the daybreak
  4. That boy from the wanted is responding well to treatment and his tumour is shrinking.
  5. The goal realistically has to be x amount of the population vaccinated by x date. For arguments sake a third of the populace by ssay June that is reasonable enough to reduce demand on the NHS and the spread to a manageable level. This thing can not be allowed to dictate the next 1, 3, 5 years just because it hasn't been completly wiped out. What else do we refuse to live with cars because there are fatal accidents every day. It like everything in life is a risk we can do all we can to reduce the risk and jeep people safe but it will still be a risk.
  6. Capture them on video then hunt them down after the fact it's a key tactic for public disorder. Hopefully their skewed justice system will dish out a few 300 year prison terms when they do.
  7. f**k me the reaper is on point at the minute, normally it's a good few weeks if not month for scores to start coming in.
  8. Could be anything on a turbo diesel they are quite complex. Egr valve blocked, turbo issue, fuel regulator problem honestly they're a pain in the arse.
  9. The BBC Scotland channel has some decent old films on at the minute. Restless Natives was on the other day and the excellent but hard to find Orphans is on at the minute.
  10. You need to know about your gait. That is how your feet hit the ground as you run. Ideally you need to go to an actual running shop and get them to analyse your running on a treadmill. Which is a bit of a pisser right now. Brand wise they are all decent it just depends which ones fit your feet the best not which ones look the best.
  11. So I live in tier 4 Englandshire. Just had an email from the primary school. They were due to start back on Tuesday but just had an email saying that unless you are a "critical" worker (whatever that is) as opposed to key worker don't bring them back.
  12. Do you just not like the cour or is it the shoe.
  13. Nike daybreak in the sales just can't decide which colour.
  14. Fucking hate January, all the folk with a resolution are out clogging the place up for the first few weeks until they lose interest.
  15. Just on the immunity amongst those that have had it. Me and 4 other's from work were struck down with this in March, utterly fucked us and I was off for weeks. Currently this thing is ripping through my team. Of 35 people 20 are now off, 16 went in one go and are suffering the typical no taste, no energy just laid up with it. Meanwhile the 5 of us fine, it's hardly scientific but personal experience.
  16. Third place finish which is my best ever showing, congrats to the Bishop on a solid win. Now I'm getting old here but in dead pools past did Div not offer some sort of prize for the winner.
  17. I'm getting up tomorrow after what will undoubtedly be a horrific 12 hour night shift. Lady T and a steak pie will await me.
  18. List submitted going to struggle to beat this year's strong performance. thanks for all you do sanchez.
  19. I'm still toying with a team full of dementia ridden ex footballers but will probably scoop up what's left of last year's. Still looking for a young superstar to unleash their potential.
  20. Mon the iron sheikh do the honourable thing and win this.
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