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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Get your hanging arse to a shop and buy some vitamin T to sooth your ills.
  2. My steak pie was fucking braw, english born child number 1 tanned theirs and her sisters left overs. So powd
  3. New year is a load of shite, that said I've bought a massive steak pie which will be immense
  4. I'd take the 8byears and spunk as much of it away as I could a bit like that film Brewster's millions
  5. They should have calmed the f**k doon when they were felt
  6. I didn't get the vitamin T hoody that I was after its sold out. Decent enough day kids got spoiled meal was decent took back custody of my rovers cup final shirt that was whipped off me as soon as it arrived.
  7. Just a quick shoutout to those of you who are alone today even when you are in a house full of people.
  8. In fairness to the rovers this is usually the worst quarter of the season for us, the clocks go back and we instantly turn to shite and go on a massive losing streak. We are top albeit on goal difference on christmas day despite a sizeable injury crisis and daft b*****ds getting themselves banned week after week.
  9. This season had been a fucking disaster I'm having a look at my entries from 5 years ago as most of them have started doing the right thing. Phil Greek has well and truely toyed with my emotions over the last 12 months.
  10. f**k the BBC they've been an embarrassment to reporting and journalistic integrity. They had a responsibility to call bullshit on the last 3 years of brexit, the independence referendum and the absolute shambles before that. However they were happy to be the lap dog of the tory government and pump out misinformation and skewed reporting all under the guise of being the world famous BBC. Well look where that's got the country a Tory majority being run by a fucking shambles of a man who has been bought by right wing lunatics who just so happen to have a stake in media outlets. Oh well off you f**k.
  11. Is McKay eligible next week? I think that's a great point today in terms of the season and far more beneficial to us than Falkirk. This is peak McGlynn getting us hard to beat and grinding out results despite injuries and suspensions.
  12. Chlorinated chicken and a privatised NHS the fucking turkeys have voted for christmas. I'm going to take a bit of a perverse pleasure when in a few years the raging gammons can't get any hospital treatment and their jobs have gone. Timing and how she gets it through for another referendum is going to be a challenge for Sturgeon but I'm sure she has it planned out.
  13. Hoping labour can squeak it in England and Wales, they wont get a majority but the only show in town can prop them up and get what they want on the terms they want. Plus for all that's wrong with them the alternative is terrifying. Hoping to see the lib dems get emptied as well but that's being greedy
  14. No SNP round my way, so my vote has gone to labour as has the mrs and the brother in laws proxy vote. Polling station was busy as well at ten to 9 this morning.
  15. Thats a shame about Miller I think he's been an absolute find not only has he filled the void at RB he chips in with goals. I'll take hendry back though he will make a world of difference.
  16. That trailer is already a better film than the still birth that was released 3 years ago.
  17. I'm getting mine delivered, take it I won't be disappointed? Next week is an interesting one, Falkirk despite ditching the snake oil salesman they are still a mess, its must win for them. We are absolutely fucked with injuries, suspensions and playing shite yet have some kind of witchcraft behind us meaning we are unbeaten. It's a massive game for Falkirk.
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