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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. I hope you slapped them across the face with a glove and challenged the infidel to a dual at dawn.
  2. I was amazed he got a job in the top flight again. His emptying was inevitable but f**k me that's ruthless.
  3. my maw had a couch that was the same design as that Inter top. Admittedly it was the mid 80's.
  4. I remember a match where 97 year old gk coach Bobby Gedded had to come on as a sub for Dundee to see out a weeknight game. That's probably the extent of McGurn as a player.
  5. thats nasty man its going to require surgery
  6. This is what is being retained from last seasons squad and in fairness I can see the argument for each player retained. At the end of the day its a league winning squad so wholesale changes are not necessarily needed. We've all seen mcglynn get the absurd results from limited players in the past. So far we have 1 keeper potentially another needed. A right back and a centre back are needed, sad to see miller go i thought he was excellent in the first half of last season. I think the midfield from last season is more than good enough for this division and would look for a wide player to add to it. Expecting Hendry and Tait to kick on. Up front there are no 2 ways about it this is a full rebuild job. It's a big season for Lewis, he has the talent but is cursed with injuries. The window is running until October and we never get our business taken care of until late on so we'll just have to wait and see.
  7. Thinking about it I would keep miller. He can play in defence or misfield and is good for goals from set pieces just the fitness thats the issue.
  8. How long are these deals, who is getting released and who has decided Davo needs a glitzy social media reveal?
  9. The dirt is a great film. Bob is a c**t. George Michael is a hero. Annabel Giles what a blast from the past and still a wid. Queen are over rated as f**k and would have been nothing without big Fred.
  10. Clive is having a meltdown and posted a toys out the pram video on twitter. It was glorious but not as good as his ability to say something and for it to then blow up in his face. Usually involving his beloved England.
  11. McGlynn will have a list of names I have no doubt about that. Perhaps even more than 1 list depending on the finances at the end of this mess.
  12. I too have suffered from over exposure to the suns harmful UV rays but in my case the T is medicinal and key to recovery.
  13. Mask life is a strange thing. On the one hand they are hot and you are really self conscious. I find myself raising my voice to speak to people a bit like a British tourist and a foreign waiter. I do however like the fact nobody can see your expressions behind them. I have the problem that whatever I'm thinking is written across my face which isn't always helpful.
  14. Bill still getting plenty out of lock down life.
  15. I wonder why the mighty T is making moves south? Bar displaced jocks the sales won't be great as the best selling lager in England is fucking Carling.
  16. I'm home at the start of August I can't fucking wait to have a real pinT.
  17. There is nothing finer in the game than a proper melt down
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