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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Is that not the season we tried to sign a boy from Sweden who had done some skin flicks
  2. What's wrong with her face?
  3. Kids designing tops with f**k off big animals is the way forward.
  4. Really I thought duffield went in the summer. Now there is a bit of an enigma, scored a shitload when he came in then disappeared. Presumably Munro hated him?
  5. That last premier season was literally the end of the world as we knew it, the good times were well and truely over. I moved to England at the start of the following season, I went to to Forthbank on the opening day and then that was it I've been watching from afar ever since.
  6. Built back up to 5k after a lay off for various reasons. Hopefully got a 10k in August so lots more running in the heat to come but actually enjoying it at the minute.
  7. That Morton top is class, long sleeves as well. Raith have sold 400 of the thing they've been given just on pre order for something that is due to turn up in 2 months. I think it's more fans backing the club than the love of the shirt but fair play to them.
  8. Didn't Shaun Dennis and Peter Duffied have a bit of a row in the tunnel at half time during that Motherwell game.
  9. That's the first time I've seen the bbc footage of the cup final, I went to the game but was otherwise living away at the time. New highlight for me is a steward selotaping up the window to the studio box at half time.
  10. There used to always be old firm in the home ends and the c***s always went over the top celebrating. The Celtic game was essentially Paulo di Canio against Scott Thomson.
  11. That 96/97 season was a fucking disaster, we lost all 4 derbies, got horsed by old rangers 6 - 0 at home and were pretty much a shambles. Iain Munro was a piss poor appointment from the get go. If we had just sat for a few weeks following McLeans fucking off and got a decent manager which wouldn't have been hard things might be drastically different. we dod beat Dundee United twice and had a draw with Celtic which pretty much ended their title Hope's.
  12. That kit is howling, it looks like a grey/blue colour which is just weird. Hopefully they will do some decent training wear I'd like a new fleece and some shorts for gym and running.
  13. The state of the old pitch I never remember it being so awful. This new carpet thing is clearly the way to go.
  14. Will the bbc be apologising for years of Tory cheerleading through their political editor?
  15. That Kirkwood goal was a fucking screamer against Hibs. Alex Penman was getting it tight from the crowd that day as well.
  16. I remember that as well it was fucking Baltic there was a blizzard before the match.
  17. f**k knows what state any club will be in at the end of this but I would expect mcglynn to fully exploit all loan signings. I would keep most to be fair.
  18. To be fair those ones designed by kids are better than half the efforts created by professional designers
  19. The away leg was interesting to say the least. I think it was played at lunchtime, 2 sweepers deployed and Thompson had the game of his life (again)
  20. Is "on to victory" the new "roaring back"? That home one is bowfin
  21. You know the rules, we need a picture of said maw pounding the street.
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