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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. We went away for the weekend and he wasn't bothered his arse
  2. Won't need to worry about that ever again.
  3. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-46986199 What an absolute arse reading the link above there was a bit more to it and his wife was ul to her arse in it as well and chucked him under the bus:) Also the heads gone moment during the sentencing.
  4. I had a dream, arbroath win the league today I dont know how it works out but they do.
  5. I stand corrected, my memory must be fucked. Still funny though
  6. The one with Pete the jakeys son, when they're all talking about the mum. "aye and she used to roar like a bear when she came"
  7. The ripper investigation was so vast and in a time of filing cabinets, no forensics and antiquated investigative techniques mistakes were always going to be prevalent but it was just dumb luck and a beat bobbies instinct that caught him.
  8. Hill running is a fucking killer done it a couple of times and I wanted to die, told it's great for the fitness though
  9. I'm not reading through 200 pages of this but when was the last time she was seen by an independent and credible witness
  10. I don't see the ambiguity, they all die that's it.
  11. It feels wrong but it's true Anyway it was a pish episode especially as there were sparks of how good it used to be in the last couple before it, that said I really liked the ending and I'm glad they all went up the mountain.
  12. The one in the shopping centre is only alive because one of the first on scene managed to tie their waist belt tight enough around the boys leg to slow the bleed. Honestly don't know what the f**k is wrong with these lads they have no realisation of the devistation carrying a knife will cause and they won't learn from it. The boy who grassed them up will need to disappear when he gets out. To be fair he's probably not safe in jail either after that.
  13. It's dead to me now, I've made my peace with this and it's nothing but a bitter sweet memory. f**k you A G Barr
  14. They seem to be finding their feet again just as its ending. You know that they'll end up shoe horning in every fucker for the last one.
  15. Aye the area around Luton police station is definitely twinned with The Kings Road
  16. In the coming weeks it's about a stabbing in the main shopping centre. Essentially a young aspiring rap artist/architect/why are you lot hassling my boy, stabs a competitor in the leg causing them to run through the middle of the centre with an arterial bleed pishing out blood until they just drop in front of a load of Christmas shoppers.
  17. Had 8 days away from any running due to work and some kind of horrible virus where I was utterly fucked for days my whole body was aching. Anyway went for a wee recovery run to ease back into it this afternoon. Ended up fucking flying out the blocks (well for me anyway) did 5k knocking 90 seconds off my personal best in the process 30:05 which I was amazed with.
  18. It's also quite a fair representation of Luton and its endless problems.
  19. It's not frustrating in the least it actually makes it easier for the police to charge certain cases. No comments are done for a number of reasons usually under legal advice, if the suspect is fucked the solicitor doesn't want them to incriminate themselves any further. If the police haven't got enough or there's outstanding enquiries they will take a chance those enquiries will be negative or fall through. There's a high number of people go not guilty all the way through the process only to turn round on the morning of the trial and go guilty when all the witnesses turn up.
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