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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. There is no mass testing the government are lying about all kinds of stuff. There's a chemical shortage. Chemical companies "erm no there isn't, you can have anything you neeed". Oh there's not enough labs. Private lab owners "please use our labs we're desperate to help" Then there is the ventilator fiasco, government line is they can't get any and Dyson has been commissioned to build something they have never built before which might be ready at some point in the future. Ventilator manufacturers " we've got loads but government haven't even phoned us" There is only so long you can keep a country on "lockdown" while actually doing f**k all to tackle the problem. People will just say f**k this and we'll be back to square one.
  2. I still can't taste anything, this is the longest I've been sober in decades.
  3. Our silly b*****d got himself shut in the garage last night. When he was liberated there was a lake of pish and an angry looking and dusty creature. He ate 2 full sachets and retired to bed where he has stayed since 8 this morning and will not budge.
  4. I do believe you are fucked. Hopefully it's just mild which is like a bad cold.
  5. Back to work today and it was needed, things there are weird but at least the going there and doing stuff although it's quite quiet has been good.
  6. Well my neighbour across the road has succumbed to this. Last week an ambulance turned up sharpish and he was carted off. In his 70s and probably had some kind of health condition that was none of my business but he looked fairly well prior to this and was quite active.
  7. Get your star wars pish tae f**k away from this thread.
  8. This is like a longer term version of a problem from a few years ago where that volcano went off and none of the airlines would fly until one of them went f**k this and sent some flights up to see what would happen. The governments will not let this drag on for months on end, I reckon boris will get his 4 or 5 conference centre hospitals up and running, wait for the peak of this thing and hopefully have some sort of testing programme in place. Then it'll be getting back to normal as quick as they can and we'll swallow the risk/loss of a number of the weak and elderly that will be deemed an acceptable level by the powers that be.
  9. They are saying normal life may not return for 6 months. Just for arguments sake would you rather 1. Say fair enough and slog it out for the full time Or 2. How long to you leave it before you say f**k this, get back to normal the old folk have had their time they can either sit it out or take their chances
  10. I cannot wait to go running again but this pox has fucked me up. There was a freezing cold wind today and that just about killed my lungs when I was out for a walk.
  11. I'm starting to feel like the bit in dawn of the dead where they are just existing in the flat they make above the shopping centre. They've had a great time helping themselves in all the shops and having a party now just sitting there in dread each day the same. *obviously without the trolley dash bit or the party.
  12. Easy jet are missing a trick here 29.99 flights to Minsk and Stockholm
  13. I did look on there but there was a thing saying deliveries are delayed. Let us know how long it takes.
  14. It's a hollow feeling I poured one the other day hoping for a miracle, it tasted like dish water
  15. I can't buy a fucking playstation for love nor money. Real first world problem there but I'm after something to while away the hours.
  16. I've got a fridge full of the glorious T but I can't smell or taste anything. It's just sat there mocking me unable to drink it because it tastes of nothing.
  17. Disease update. Again woke up fine still have a faint headache rattling around that paracetamol soon sorts. No aches no pains and no lack of energy. Coughing is entering the wet stage and I hocked up an impressive bit of bright green flem this very morning. Still sleeping for 10 hours when I'm used to 6 or 7. The lack of taste and smell are stil quite prominent the only thing I can tell is if something has a bit of spice but I couldn't tell you how much for all I know I could be eating fire and it wouldn't sting. Last night I drank water, lager, coffee, fizzy juice and diluting juice it all tasted of nothing
  18. The amount of shit he's getting from the pro trump crowd on twitter is just grim. Those arseholes completly buy into all his lies and tantrums and will return him as president regardless of what state the country is left in.
  19. Fucking hell stelios is long gone mate he sold ho years ago to faceless corporation types.
  20. Oh f**k off I can't be doing with this as well, the lack of taste and smell is bad enough now there's a ring of fire to contend with.
  21. Today woke up no symptoms other than a bit of a lingering cough thinking back I'm sure this started with me more than a week ago. Last wednesday I remember feeling utterly fucked but put it down to shift work. Anyway off to tesco I go due to the fact the fridge was empty and the kids were eyeing up the cat for a meal. All very civilised got in line with a trolley halfway round the car park waited about 20 minutes to get on. The store was quiet and pretty well stocked, still didn't get toilet roll or many tinned goods but other wise loads of fresh fruit, veg and bread. Back now and I thought I'd be knackered but still feeling pretty good only long term issue appears to be a lack of taste and smell. anyone know when those will return?
  22. Your knowledge of average looking women in porn is admirable, I shall pay a hand based salute at 8pm
  23. Just going on official guidance, they won't test me at the minute, I'm not on deaths door so the NHS won't even speak to me. I have not had a fever for days and I am past the worst of it. I am awaiting advice on when i can return to work, i'm due back in on tuesday should I be well enough which I think I will be. I am a key worker and my work place is getting wiped out at the minute. So if I'm over it I am needed back but I know they won't chance it if they're not 100% happy.
  24. Its definetly not as bad as flu, I've not been laid up with up it as such. At first I thought it was just a bad cold. The pish situation i think is a number of factors. You need more fluids with these sorts of things, i had been sweating like f**k and i have been taken scorching hot baths for the aches. Hoping it'll even itself out.
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