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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Is it this new pitch or something more straight forward like a gypsies curse
  2. I'm just catching up with the weekend, what the actual f**k has gone on with this c**t waving a chair around
  3. The programme continues and 1 week after doing 20 minutes and being in a fucking state at the end of it I've moved onto 25 minutes continuous running. This one went so much better there was begging for it to be over, no burning lungs, legs are a bit sore this morning but it was all good and felt a lot easier. 3 weeks left the last of which is running for 30 minutes at a time which might not equate to 5k, but according to samsung I'm doing 10.13 minutes to a mile so pretty confident I can do it.
  4. Presumably he was still getting his monthly wage for whatever reason and now he has been released with no compo to join Brechin.
  5. Just seen the highlights the second rovers goal was the pick of the bunch and f**k knows how Brechin crept in.
  6. I'm near blind as a result of this morning's instagramming
  7. Well Friday came and went but was far too busy so went out today. A couple of times I don't even know if I was still moving I'd slowed down that much, but I did the full 20 without stopping once, my legs are absolutely fucked but I was buzzing when it was done.
  8. Mrs Pubcarking has had to say a sad farewell to her 11 year old astra as some twat ran into her while she was stopped at some lights. A replacement has been sourced in the shape of a 3 year old fiesta ecoboost, this thing fucking flies down the road and seems pretty well put together for a small hatchback.
  9. He's been a fucking machine in front of goal and his goals the difference between us falling away completely.
  10. 18 folk getting pished whilst only going by their user name what could go wrong.
  11. Code works. I'm kicking the c**t out of it now I've ordered one with the cats name on it.
  12. Been down to decathlon and bought a few warmer bits looking forward to getting back outside. By Friday the target is a 20 minute uninterrupted run.
  13. What do folk think of treadmills? due to working weird shifts and it being fucking freezing and dark I used the gym at work to run. It felt too easy and I was bored I think I'll just brave the Baltic temperatures and darkness to be honest it did nothing for me.
  14. Sound I don't want to look like a full on mid life crisis man in lycra
  15. Right it's fucking freezing and I'm not going to be able to brave shorts for much longer and I hate running in trackies. Has anyone got experience of these legging type trousers with shorts on top or is it just a step too far.
  16. You're in the badlands now broTher for that there London is an unholy place full of heathens. God speed in your quest.
  17. Week 4 and I'm 2 runs down up to 16 minutes running split into two x 3 mins and two times 5 mins. Feel tired but not struggling too badly.
  18. After being a lazy unfit c**t for numerous years I've had a bit of a funny turn and I'm on the couch to 5k plan. Just using the free app and music on my phone to get me through. So far I've got one run left of week 3 which is 3 mins of running. Apart from my shins hurting I seem to be getting through it ok mostly running on roads and parks due to my job I work weird shifts so have been out running at 3am in the pissing rain I'm waiting to get lifted for looking dodgy as f**k.
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