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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. We need someone who can cross the ball into the box from corners and free kicks. Our set pieces have really let us down this season.
  2. I've currently got a combination of perfect draft and cans. I essentially do pints of the good stuff and then top up on the cans when half jaked.
  3. It's all about building for next season and we have a good core of the team staying and there are pca already to add to areas that are weak so it's just a case of McGlynnio working his recruitment magic. I think Armstrong, Spencer and K MacDonald are still up in the air. It's likely the end of the line for Davo, Mendy, Duku and probably Ugwu. Hendry will be away, hopefully with the best wishes of everyone as he's been a pleasure to watch. Can't wait for next season.
  4. Delivery into the box is poor its not getting anywhere near a white shirt
  5. Just caught up with this. That fucking linesman from the first leg is looking to have really fucked us. The size of Mendy has he been on the juice?
  6. Big battering rams up front with Vaughan and Gullan feeding off the scraps will be my guess.
  7. With the restrictions getting lifted we were already headed for a summer of pent up up people going wild in hot weather and a football tournament in the mix as well. If they deprive people of their freedoms and start going backwards there will be serious unrest in the big cities across Britain. People won't take it anymore and it won't just be the moon howling gammon dad's or full time anarchists.
  8. Yes let's just go old school mcglynn. Did he not once played tade in defence? so this is nothing.
  9. Davidson looked done on Wednesday he barely moved and it looked like soencer and hendry were coming back to help cover a lot. Mendy with Bene talking him through the game won't be the horror show we're expecting. It won't be great either but it's the position we're in. Shame Davo won't get one last chance at a stupid red card.
  10. Mcgurn in goals, 5 upfront including Mendy spearheading the attack.
  11. Just have to trust McG to bring in more talent through his network. Be interesting if he ventures down south again frankie was a find as was Duku for about 12 games.
  12. Well that was a bit shite. We ran out of steam/ideas tonight. Howling decision for the goal though never offside. Hope we can hang onto most of the team. If frankie stays defence looks good. Midfield will be weakend by Hendry (probably) going and we need to sort out at least one striker. Oh and Davo to get a red in his last game on Saturday.
  13. I think we're carrying Davo (even more than normal) he looks fucked and they're not passing it to him.
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