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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Pray for me broThers. I'm in a premier Inn family room with my wife and bairns nursing a luke warm bottle of cobra. ☹
  2. There are a few things about 104 year old Christophe Berra. He still has a good level of fitness and isn't blowing out his arse. He is totally composed on the ball and is more than happy to ping it about between himself and Mcdonald. You can see him using the experience, it's the little things like shielding the ball and leaning into players to hold it up whilst he changes direction. He has but a good understanding with Bene and very quickly too. Allowing Bene to play in the right has improved his game as well although not having to worry about Davo has obviously helped that as well. I'm sure the other defenders will be learning from him in training.
  3. I doubt BRS will have folk kicking down the door to sign him in January but if he goes fair enough. The Keatings shambles was a bizarre move PCA with an injury prone player the wrong side of 30. Although I doubt anyone expected it to fall apart like this so soon. Realistically he's on a 2 year full time deal so we will have to pay him off be it a wage for 2 years or we can sort out a lump sum. Tait is 50/50 as to wether he stays past January but I think Hibs are flying at the minute and probably trust McGlynn to look after him until May. I think they are putting a lot into the hope of Musonda stepping into midfield when he is fit again. Oh and the clocks go back soon so we need to aquire as many points as we can this month.
  4. This Diddy cup game coming up is an opportunity for a petri dish to f**k around with the team and try different things. The main thing has to be giving the fringe players a game.
  5. This is hopefully a one off situation that won't be repeated. That said there are huge problems within policing currently. In England there is what is called a national uplift of recruitment. What this means in practice is that numerous police forces are rushing through applicants and getting them on the streets. Other wise in true tory style if they don't meet the quota they don't get the government money and the individual force is liable for the costs. In any pressurised situation mistakes will be made and the wrong people will be put into post a fair percentage of whom will be wholly unsuitable or incapable hopefully none are predatory sexual offenders. The other massive issue is that policing has and continues to promote complete fucking idiots to ranks and responsibilities that are well above their capabilities. As such these morons will be overseeing this shambles.
  6. It's fair enough really to get him some game time and we do have cover. We really need to add up the other end of the park because Dario will dry up with the goals sooner or later. I would even be happy with a midfielder coming in to offer options.
  7. He's just jumped into a starting position fir my dead pool should he live past the bells.
  8. There's a lot of talk and ambition at the minute but for me the thing is about building up a professional organisation. How many decades have we relied upon the good faith of our modest support to clean the stands, do the gardening, clear snow off the pitch, man the club shop etc etc. I'm glad the club are looking to sort out a lot of stuff, invest money in the ground at long last and have a plan to market the team and attract young fans. This is all long term stuff though and I hope everyone is committed to the long term.
  9. For anyone interested the home shirt for Davos testimonial is available to buy for £30. Which is a bit of a niche rovers top to have I suppose.
  10. Thinking on it a bit more however, the mobile and bank cards would be the best way for the police to trace him Exactly this, phone tracking and financials are a sure way of catching you. US has nowhere near the CCTV coverage we have here. What might f**k him up is the high profile of the case especially on social media. Unless he is dead in a swamp somewhere.
  11. Hopefully super John McGlynn mamaged to tap up another Regan Hendry from their academy tonight.
  12. Wil he serve the ban in the league or can it be deferred tol next seasons Cup?
  13. I think this is going to be a pumping. Just got to hope we don't lose anyone to injury.
  14. If we still had Vaughan I think we'd be okay. So try and find the next best thing to that if it's possible.
  15. I don't know who's putting out the press releases and statements at the minute but they are all over the fucking show. I think mcglynn has seen enough and keatings is a not upto it any more. It seemed a rash signing at the time which is strange for a pca. The pars game is now a 7pm kick off.
  16. Think this has a few twists yet. I mean this c**t has driven back home minus his gifriend how the f**k did he think it would play out?
  17. Columbo had no end of folk in it, pretty sure Billy Connolly was in it once.
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