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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. I don't want any of your main stand sweety bag rustling ruining the serene ambience of the South stand.
  2. Absolutely this, last season they were really on it trying to keep the fans involved and also had the begging bowl out. The club are really missing a trick here by not keeping it up and there behaviour is pissing people off.
  3. Surely it's not pay at the gate? I know its on the telly and neither team is setting the league on fire but it's the first Derby with fans since f**k knows when it should have a decent crowd. So why are we fucking about with 3 days to go and nobody knows what's going on? I've even got my daughter up for this and she's never been to a game in her life so I need to strike while the irons hot.
  4. Yeah I saw that excellent shithousery and I am all for it.
  5. Quarter final away in Glasgow is far better than we have done in years so a decent wee run for us.
  6. Would think tomorrow fir ticket announcements now the cup games out the way. It's a piece of piss online and they were selling them today at the office.
  7. Aberdeen were well on top for the first half hour and took the goal well, u feared we'd take a doing in all honesty but there were glimmers in the remaining 15 that we were still in it. Second half and rovers flew out the traps absolute transformation and real belief in the team. Riley-snow started to play a bit, the defence were solid and tumilty started driving forward, connoly put in a real shift, tait committed a proper shit house foul to stop Aberdeen breaking. However Dario was the main event he really put a shift in and played mostly the right ball. Scenes as the winner went in. My first game at starks in 4 years and it was fucking brilliant.
  8. Rovers a bit toothless up front and Aberdeen getting through the middle too easily. But rovers started to come into just before half time.
  9. Tomorrow at approximately 06:30 hours I will set off on my annual holy pilgrimage which will consist of a 10 night stay. Once I reach the Kingdom the imbibing of the nectar will commence from as many "T shops" as possible in order to check that the quality is consistently glorious.
  10. Livi can you loan us Harry please as we're gubbed with injuries yet again. I'm still bewildered by our recruitment this summer and with the loss now of Vaughan which is always a liklihood in all honesty. Wonder why we didn't go for Gullan again, was he too expensive, did he not fancy it?
  11. This, we win this thing end of. No other club has done anything so utterly fucking reckless in living memory.
  12. Here in Englandshire most restrictions are all but gone. Walk round any of the big supermarket and the one way systems have gone, I would say between 5 to 10% of the folk instore are still wearing masks but everyone else has fucked them off as there are no longer signs up. The only thing they are continuing with is the traffic lights to get inside, but I think they're keeping those just to limit the amount of Jeremy kylers and their mutant spawn from clogging up the aisles. The one thing that is still causing issues is the track and trace, I never had the thing but its pinging all over the show. The latest thing here is if you are an essential worker you can still work and come into contact with countless people through your job but you have to isolate on your days off. Like f**k anyone is adhering to that load of shite.
  13. I think we do have good options going forward better than we thought during the summer and we are also strong in defence. Which just magnifies the deficiencies in the middle and which of course will have a knock on effect for attack and defence. Musonda as a midfield anchor. He is comfortable on the ball and can pass the ball at least but he would be makeshift. Connolly as an attacking mid behind the forwards? I think the loss of hendry in the summer was massive but inevitable so it should have been planned for. What is hampering us is the loss of spencer after 1 game and the uncertainty of Matthews injury situation.
  14. We needed to make an investment in the summer of a good midfielder especially when spencer was stalling on signing. This get a boat load of loan signings from other clubs youth teams was never the answer.
  15. Honestly just forego the points at the start of the season and save everyone's time, effort and money.
  16. I think if Vaughan stretches too hard getting out of bed he won't be risked. Frustrating but is what it is.
  17. Strong effort there I suggest you have many more libations
  18. I'd rather we used it to experiment with our midfield. The place is fucking cursed and I doubt the rovers will win there in my life time so we're fucked anyway might as well make use of the run out.
  19. The trick is to pace the intervals. The first level is barely more than a brisk walk between beeps, but if you are in a room full of people they will all go charging off and be waiting ages for the next beep. If you can do it without ever stopping and starting again it's easier and hitting the line is just a quick turn but make sure you rotate which foot you turn on.
  20. Cam I ask a question vaguely relevant to the club. Any ideas what if any ticket arrangements are for the Aberdeen and dunfermline matches will be? I'm back up for both and haven't seen a game for about 4 years.
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