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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. I hope to f**k with such a giant map you do t have to drive for ages just to get to a mission.
  2. Real Madrid f**k right off every fucking game on seasons with 4.5 or 5 star team I come you against these fucks usually the game consists of long punts to benzema. It's fucking tedious
  3. http://www.raithrovers.net/6170/raith-rovers-online-shop.htm the club have moved their online shop to livesport who will now be selling shirts scarves etc as well as tickets. How does this affect the deal with aca sports has there been a falling out will we have two online suppliers?
  4. That will make it five years between games. It better be epic
  5. Honest to f**k what is the point even taking it online the ps3 servers are absolute shite. Either I get stuck in the arena or the they are restrictive or I have so much lag. Fucking c***s
  6. Any idea how many episodes in series 2 I like to record between half and three quarters of it before before I start to watch it that way I can tan through it
  7. The actions of the police at the time and in subsequent years was appalling however to lay the blame 100% on one factor is not just. This disaster was a perfect storm of bad planning an outdated venue not fit for purpose traffic jams a big crowd no one checking tickets it could have happened many more times.
  8. Well today we had her first birthday party and me and her mum are shattered it wad a blazing hot day herw the house and garden were absolutly rammed and i have spent a lot of time building things with wheels. Its been brilliant though
  9. Well nine months ago is christmas and new year so a few drink related conceptions at least thats how ours happened
  10. Your diy skills will progress rapidly now there is all manner of ahite will need building cots wardrobes chairs wendy houses bikes
  11. Peter heatherston even had to drive them to livingston. The other notable fucking over came in the form of paul hartley. Given to us by millwall in lieu of 450k owed to us then hibs got him for 100k because we had a bit of bother sevco stylee
  12. http://www.pieandbovril.com/forum/index.php/topic/100051-pregnancy-and-parenting/page__st__5000 Well a year ago today we were sat up the hospital (little did i know we would still be there two weeks later but thats another story) waiting for an arrival it seems like yesterday but when i think about it its hard to imagine a time without our baby girl. We are gearing up for her wee party on sunday although the thought of a house full of children has me reaching for the vodka i'm more excited about her birthday than any of my own recent ones.
  13. I have a recurring dream that i live at starks park in the main stand. Match.days are a pain in the arse i cant get my car parked and there are strangers everywhere.
  14. I work on a garage and ive just realised my mot expired a month ago
  15. Cheers i should have explained better i want a mac daddy jesey a bit like the ones you get with reindeer and snowmen
  16. Anybody know where i can get an iggle piggle knitting pattern from granny is being commissioned for a christmas present
  17. Never mind the fans my moneys on.the bankrupt club needing it for a leccy card
  18. Imogen has started babbling at a fair rate now we get mum mum mum nanananan dadadada and randomly diddle diddle diddle yodel yodel
  19. Maybe the loans are on hold until we are desperate as it stands the squad have won every game so far so maybe they don't want to disrupt it unless they need to
  20. Mine is also a September baby we put it down to one night between xmas and new year
  21. Enough of the sensible financial advice about your child future who is responsible for the daftest conception
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