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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Just started watching this about six episodes in but my Mrs has deleted the final episode now aside from kicking her down the stairs and getting her to say she fell how can I deal with this is it online anywhere or is it getting repeated any time
  2. Congrats mate my wee girl is eight months now and still melting her dads heart. My advice sleep whenever you can during the first few months
  3. With the return if part time football can we get Craig Wilson and mark ferry back.
  4. Statement on the official site tonight basically ota a part time full time mixture forthefirst team but the juries still out on thr youth set up.
  5. It may have been said before but f we do go part time and it looks inevitable will we be the highest placed/biggest club that is part time? If so that has to be a draw for the best players who don't want to go pro
  6. We can join the list of creditors for bankrupt fc for the police bill
  7. Yeah but look at the shite we have had to endure since that fateful day
  8. Day of the dead remake. 4/10 had more of a resident evil feel about it basically the zombies were a result of a dodgy experiment but they could climb walls and run fast as f**k. On a side note mena suvari needs serious words with her agent
  9. Sleeping through the night for 12 hours at a time now has done for the last couple of weeks anyway. Whoo and indeed hoo
  10. We will need to add fire power in the summer because Baird will be away when his contracts up which is fair enough
  11. Part time is the way to go it makes total financial sense having 3 or 4 full timers in the mix won't hurt things either.
  12. Its the only episode in the whole series worth watching
  13. That place looks a wicked place to find cougars. Now remember not all cougars are milfs
  14. I thought I was the only person who had (or at least oelwned up) to liking this. Bonus points for having the American pie dad
  15. I thought I was the only person who had (or at least oelwned up) to liking this. Bonus points for having the American pie dad
  16. I thought I was the only person who had (or at least oelwned up) to liking this. Bonus points for having the American pie dad
  17. I thought I was the only person who had (or at least oelwned up) to liking this. Bonus points for having the American pie dad
  18. I hate to be cynical but this seems like a. shit we need some money quick ploy in that you only get two weeks to buy it without any notice. It is a good price though and the kids thing has been looong over due
  19. Our one is 7months and has started waking in the night going mental soon as you pick her up and bounce her she's fine soon as you lay her flat to put her back in her cot she goes Tonto last night we just left her to it an hour later she gave in. As for morning naps forget it you can't even put her down. What causes this it's a recent thing
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