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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Surely has to be Sim pulling up the handbrake on a runaway deal. He probably wants out. We are a financial liability but if its some chancers piling in saying sign my laddie and his power league team then I'd hope he'd tell them to get fucked and wait for another offer.
  2. BBC News - Ken Block: Rally driver and YouTuber killed in snowmobile accident https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-64150191
  3. We could have Messi and Ronaldo up front we still wouldn't beat Inverness. In fact if we could get all our suspensions served that day it would do us a favour
  4. On paper we're 3 points off the playoffs, which is fucking ridiculous really. Arbroath seem to have come back from the dead and ICT have sat bolt upright from their coma so pretty essential 3 points today.
  5. Is Vaughan on the left Easton in the 10 behind Gullan?
  6. 8 out of 15 did the decent thing for me would have been 9 but Betty White peaked 12 hours too early. My best year to date and I doubt I'll repeat such form.
  7. Less than 4 hours to go I'm calling it. Go on reaper make me look a twat here.
  8. Sim to me seems more interested starks park and the community foundation. They are the main tennants and use it 95% of the time. This new mob might only be interested in the club regardless of where they play and will lease the ground thus leaving and maintenance to the landlord ie Sim.
  9. Do they have any other sporting connections? Could we become a gateway to players from the east who will then make the step up and subsequent transfer fees. Although we would realisticly need to be a Premier league club amd even then we'd likely be selling to the old firm in the first instance.
  10. 8Lurked around for at least a year before taking the plunge in October 2006 just so I could do the deadpool . There's been some right mentalists on here over the years. Including Ron Burgundy and his endless reincarnation "ronkers" Grimbo and the crispy pets insurance scandal. The boy who had the Strathclyde holiday . And endless fannies losing the head challenging folk to fights.
  11. It makes little sense as an investment really. We are a debt ridden club, with a crumbling stadium thats sat on worthless land. Poorly supported and in the second tier of an at best average footballing nation. We have nothing to asset strip so their motivation could be to have the club as an entity for writing off tax/poor investments. Or to actually invest in it for some end game We don't know. How much profile does scottish football have in Asia?
  12. The scout just scouts other teams we are due to play and doesn't look for players. "Offloading" players is easier said than done due to them having contracts that need to be honoured.
  13. Colin Stevens causing absolute havoc in that hearts game today.
  14. Big John must be poor in training if he can't even get on last night for a game played in a howling gale where both keepers looked vulnerable. In fairness he looked absolutly lost away at Arbroath amd we haven't really seen him since. We'll probably be paying him for the rest of the season as well.
  15. Well that was one of the worst 2-2 draws you'll ever see.
  16. This morton keeps is pish as well let's lump some balls into him.
  17. That looked a handball but the image is pish. We've made an absolute mess of both those corners
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